Negative pregnancy test

Anon Imperfect Mum

Negative pregnancy test

Hi Ladies,

Me and my partner always have protected sex(condoms). A couple weeks ago I started getting slight cramps thinking maybe my period was coming. Last week I had more cramping with a really light bloodied discharge on and off for 2 days (I got this when I was pregnant with #2-maybe implantation bleeding?) this week i'm still feeling crampy and yesterday my nipples started to be sore to touch(I don't get that with my periods).These are the only signs I've had.My periods have always been irregular, so I do not know what day of my cycle I am on. I took a pregnancy test today at 2.30pm but it was negative. Has anyone else on here experienced this?? After wearing condoms religiously, I'm a little confused on what I am feeling or If it is all just in my head.

Thanks in advance

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3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sometimes within a few days after sex I get some light bleeding if it has been if my cervix has been quite low at that point in my cycle or if it has been particularly vigorous. If you have tested negative I would give it another week and test again if you are still concerned. :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd try testing first thing in the morning urineore concentrated not during the day

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thanks ladies, I took another test this morn and it was negative so I'm thinking its all in my head.....i'll wait another 2 weeks to confirm it but for now I'll just consider myself not pregnant until then so I don't let myself worry too much about it. Thanks guys
