I have been up hours in the night nursing the baby, and was wondering if getting a pump such as - http://www.ilsbabycare.com.au/breast-pump/ would make a difference for me and the baby?
I have been up hours in the night nursing the baby, and was wondering if getting a pump such as - http://www.ilsbabycare.com.au/breast-pump/ would make a difference for me and the baby?
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4 Replies
I used to find pumping earlier in the day so someone else could do a night feed made a huge difference to how I felt. Baby still gets a feed, I get a few more hours sleep strung together (so function better the next day) and dad got some bonding time with baby without me whipping the baby away for a feed.
I used to find the last feed of the night worked well. So I'd go to bed around 9:30ish leaving dad to do the last feed around 11pm then I didn't have to wake up until after 1am.
It won't replace all your night time feeds because pumping is quite time consuming but to replace a feed a day is quite doable. Also depending on the baby and age etc, if you think bubs is getting plenty of food don't be afraid to try and spread the feeds out by using a dummy or settling techniques.
I could never figure out how to get a feed with a pump it seemed more time consuming than feeding TBH.
I both bottle and breast fed between all of mine. it was my last I breast fed for a year. my other's I bottle fed. in all honesty I wouldn't pick up a bottle ever again if given the choice.....its just SO MUCH more work.
being able to roll over and put her on the boob and go back to dozing was heaven......crusiest ever for that year anyway.
Before you spend a truck load of money on anything, ask around friends if you can borrow one to trial first.
Oh and don't think for a moment that a Man can't breast feed....TOTALLY DOABLE! My Dad was a Champion! Mum would sleep right through he would go and get us plonk us on and take care of everything and stick us back to bed after we were done....total hero in my book....
no expressing necessary....no he didn't use his boobs...he stuck us on mum's.
With a preemie I had to pump. But get a really good one even if you hire instead of buy. That said if you will still be getting up to do the feed, you won't be achieving a lot. It's personal choice really.
Once she's had a feed, like 20- 30 minutes, try just putting the boobs away and settling to sleep. She might not be hungry just sucking because it's there which is actually keeping you both awake.