OK so I don't even know where to start. So here goes .. I lost my baby girl at 28 weeks its been 4 months now . I went back to work within 4 weeks of loosing her everyone thought it was best for me I kind of got pushed into it. Everyone keeps telling me how strong I am and how well I'm doing. I'm not I'm not strong I'm not doing well I'm broken and I don't think I'll ever be OK again. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and than to come home and sit down my other 2 children and tell them broke my heart. I feel like I'm just hiding behind this strong person image because when I'm alone all I do is cry. But I won't let anyone else see. Not even my partner. I feel like I have to be what everyone expects me to be...strong...seeing my 3 year old at daycare helping with the babies telling the other kids to be 'very gentle' breaks me he would have been such a great big bro.I can't even hold a baby. I'll never hold another again. I haven't spoken to anyone I don't feel comfortable with ppl seeing me upset. Is their any form of online councling anyone can point me towards. I feel like I'm stuck and I can't be their for my kids I need to get back on track but I'm just lost sorry for the rant I just didn't know where to turn
3 Replies
look up mindspot clinic or beyond blue both are recommended and have beautiful people to help you through this you dont have to be alone to get through it xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss xxx There is an organisation called SANDS - Stillborn And Neonatal DeathS. They are a fantastic organisation with a lot of resources. They also have support groups around Australia.
This is me to a tee. You are not alone in these feelings. I feel the EXACT SAME Way. I have 2 kids they are young too. Sands is great organisation, they have email support, phone support and group meetings.
There is also bears of hope.
The fact you are asking this questions says you're ready to tell your story, your ready to let someone in. For this I congratulate you, it's not an easy thing to do.
You are strong, but we who have been in your shoes know you are also broken.
I am sending many hugs you way xx