Not a question, just advice
I only realised a little while ago that when replying to questions asked that people on your friends list can see your responses. Even if those people haven't 'liked' the imperfect mum page.
The lovely admin of this page explained to me that this is because it's a page and not a closed group.
I've realised a few family have deleted and blocked me, it could be because of something I have given advice from in the past (but have never used names as have always been very broad if saying my personal experience)
So if you are divulging personal experience to a complete stranger to help them (I know with me it's easier talking to strangers than people I know) then just keep in mind that everyone on your friends list can actually see what you write.
Also when you answer annomosly, or have others answer your questions annomosly you need to check back in to your question through the link. So don't feel disheartened if it appears not many people have answered you.
Hope this helps a few people out there in not feeling like they're being judged by people who are meant to be friends and family
3 Replies
Thats why i only answer questions here ;)
Yep, I only answer on here to. Much easier than the world knowing my business :)
Yep that's exactly why I only use the website too.