I have a nose piercing and a tragus piercing, both tasteful, but I recently applied for a job with a airline as check in staff but don't know whether I will be accepted with my piercings although not gawdy or distasteful or whether it will be accepted in admin work either. I can put clear piercings in which I'm willing to do. Does anyone know anything about this?
2 Replies
You'll be fine. I am an admin officer with the government and had my nose pierced, another officer had her tragus done as well. Just speak to them when you get an interview and explain that it can be taken out and replaced with clear studs
We own and run our own business, we have staff that have facial piercings but we require them to be removed or a bandaid cover them up. It may be different for admin but we are in the food industry and if they fall out they could end up in food