good afternoon imperfect mums, a bit of a funny but curious one today about my niece, she is two and a half years old and fully toilet trained, very rarely has an accident except when we go to the park she poos her her pants and i mean every single time, she absolutely hates it and cries until shes changed so i dont think its a matter of having too much fun to bother going to the toilet. this has been happening for about a year now and just wondering if any mums have had the same experience? thanks in advance
2 Replies
Just an idea, every time I get on the treadmill I need to do a poo. Apparently it's something about exercise gets the bowels going. I'd try getting her to run around at home before she goes to the park :)
Agree with previous poster. Also it might have happened once the first time now she associates park time with poo time :P