Please help!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please help!

I have a three and a half year old that I'm trying to toilet train. When she's awake, she's pretty good. I put her in a nappy to go to bed in but occasionally she takes it upon herself to take the nappy off and put her panties back on. Today, literally just half an hour before, she has gotten up from a nap, I've found out that she's taken her nappy off and she's done number 2's in her panties. My instant reaction, other than trying not to throw up, is to get angry that she's taken her nappy off. I clean her off as best I can and I've now put her in the bath. I go into her room only to find that she's smeared excrement all over her set of draws, the wall and the back of the door. I guess my question is this, 1. How does one get poop off walls, doors and other furniture items without stripping paint? and 2. What can I do to help her realise that she needs to go to the toilet?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is such a common problem. Go buy some all in one swim suits with a zip in them, if you can't get a zip up the back you can just put them on her backwards, over the nappy and under the pyjamas. They are thin enough that they don't over heat and they make it pretty bloody difficult to pull a nappy off! Also put a baby monitor on her room so you can hear her wake up and get up to her fast. Don't punish her as it's unlikely to be immediate enough to stop the behaviour and breaking the pattern will be more effective.
To clean it off the walls hot water and dish washing liquid to wash it off and them a wipe over with a household disenfrctant like pine O clean.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son is toilet trained throughout the day but nights are still a struggle with him. He also likes to take his nappy off so I switched to nappy pants and due to the elastic sides instead of tabs he is yet to take them off (touch wood) worth a try.
