Hi! So my Dd is 2 and is potty training. She is very ready, amd communicates very well. She told me no more to her nappies and got the potty herself. She is very excited to be using it. The problem is she has eczma all over her legs. Everytime she needs to wee we go throight the process of her panickig and running for the potty but then she holds her wee. And will do this fpra fgood 15 minutes before she finally cant hold it and has an accident on her way to the potty. Then she says yay potty and claps for herself for using the potty. Today, she told me its sore and evertime wee touches her legs shes scratching like mad and I think its made her very anxious to wee and its very stressful.
Does anyone have any experience doing this or have any suggestions? I considered postponing it but she wont keep her clothes on / nappy on.
potty training, eczma and anxiety
potty training, eczma and anxiety
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
4 Replies
How long have you been toilet training for? What she is doing sounds like a normal part of the process but the eczema is complicating it. Some kids do have trouble letting go when in a sitting position as they are so used to standing anyway but the eczema wouldn't be helping. I don't know much/anything about eczema, could you try smothering her in some kind of barrier cream like bepanthon to protect her?
Have you seen anyone regarding the eczema? Eczema is an inflammatory response to something. My daughter gets it if she eats dairy or gluten (she's intolerant to both). If it's that bad I'd look at investigating the cause of it. Otherwise speak to your doctor (if you haven't already) about a cream that might protect it a bit?
have definitely had it investigated. hers is a reaction to things like weather change, dry heat ( like heaters and inside fires) and the only food that flares it is tomato paste type sauces and strawberry jam and only if it actually makes contact with her skin and if shes teething. she had failure to thrive as a little. At the moment, she had a normal flare up because of the weather changing so up and down here in perth, and i think her wee touching it has the same effect as the sauces. but ive never seen it so inflammed. off to the drs today, hopefully they have some suggestions.
wash her in the bath with water every time she does wee on her self.