Pregnancy Discrimination? HELP

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pregnancy Discrimination? HELP

i've been working casually for my employer in retail for 3 years now i average 25+ hours a week until 2 weeks ago i;ve been cut to 12-18 hours a week i am 32 weeks pregnant my boss hasnt asked me if i wanted reduced hours or what i would like to do and no reason has been given for the reduction i can still do my job perfectly and there is no medical reason why i cant continue.. i am just so upset and stressed about paying for bills etc as this is a major drop in wages for me i spend all my day crying and i'm bored sitting at home.. i guess what im asking is what can i do? what are my rights as i have no idea i dont want to be a nagger but i also want to know what going on and i dont want to loose my job

Posted in:  Pregnancy, IM's In Business, FAQ

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you asked your boss why your hours have been cut? Has anyone else's hours been cut? Once you've done that then I'd speak to your workplace union if you have one. Even if you are not a member they can still help you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would call fair work Australia. If for three years your work hours were regular and then bam they have changed get legal advice.

Call 13 13 94

Open: 8am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday (except for public holidays).

Anon Imperfect Mum

This happened to me when I told my employer I was pregnant. But I had bad morning sickness then when I was better they still wouldn't give me shifts. then when I left to have baby I wanted to return for 1 or two shifts a week and they said they didn't have any work at the moment and they would ring me- well it's been two years and they never rang. I got another job and I guess they found out I suppose, but I feel wrongly treated but I was casual not sure are you permanent or casual?
Not sure what the laws are but yeah ring someone especially of you wanna return to this job after bubs :)
I didn't bother I just don't go there or anything and I still have uniform- I feel like throwing it in their faces. So unfair. Women shouldn't be treated like that because we are having a baby we should be happy not stressing over money etc.
Good luck xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you normally loose hours around this time of year have they given you a reason

I'd also like to add business owners are often treated like shit with no rights and forced to pay out even if they would win cos they don't have time for the courts system , perhaps he needs to have your replacement starting to take over more so they are ready to take over from you in just under 2 months? I know it sucks for you but it sucks for employers just as much as they go through this on regular basis replacing staff and having to do what's convenient by workers instead of themselves even though they are the ones who pay all the money for everything

I would just start by asking why your hours have been cut -
