school pick up/ drop off

Anon Imperfect Mum

school pick up/ drop off

Hi. Just wanted some opinions on this. my child had started at big school this year. On pickup and drop off one of the kids sister drops him off and her and her girlfriend sit or stand infront of the class room pashing laying all over each other. I dont think this is nessasary at all. I have nothinv against the gay community and i also have many friends and family that are gay. but i would also feel this way if it were a man and woman. Am i being a prude?

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2)

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Although I think there is nothing wrong with showing affection in public (gay or straight), what you describe is over the top. I feel like you on this one. I wouldn't approach them because you never know how they can take it, but I'd definitely have a talk with my child and take the chance to explain that love is a beautiful thing, but some behaviours are inappropriate in public. Kissing, holding hands, hugging are nice and expected. Almost having sex (that's what I get from your description) in front of everyone is not. Xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

I agree, gay or straight I'd find this totally inappropriate.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Time and place for this, not at school very disrespectful, obviously attention seeking, I love my husband to pieces but don't find it necessary to hang off him and pash him in public we do it at home I'd be going to the office kids aren't aloud to touch each other why should they not setting a good example

Anon Imperfect Mum

Gay, straight or otherwise, the school grounds are not the places for excessive PDA's.....I'd be going to the principal and letting them know that there's inappropriate behaviour happening.....
