Toddler bedtime


Toddler bedtime

Hey, for all you mums out there with 3-4 year Olds. What time do you send your little ones off to bed for the night?

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Parenthood Guilt, Things to do and see, Education, Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Kids

3 Replies


My sons just turned 4 today for last year it's been 7-7.30 now starting to be 7.30-8. He doesn't rest during day and is up at 6am


7-7:30pm up at 5:30 am no matter what time they go to bed so to me the earlier the better. Also it gives me some time to clean and tidy the house and some me time before bed. Both my boys have had this bedtime since they were 2 years old.


My 5 And ahalf year old goes to bed between 8 and 8.30. Its to late as he goes to school and is absolutely exhausted but I struggle because the daylight savings and its stll light till about 8ish. He wont consider going to bed when the suns still up. I would say 7 depending on whether or not you have the same issue as me :)
