Toddler won't eat properly


Toddler won't eat properly

I just don't know what to do anymore.
Since my daughter started solids at 4-5months old I've offered all kinds different foods and she was such a good Eater.
Fast forward to 18months old and she refuses to eat anything with veg and meat. I've continued to offer her our family meals and recently I've tried to offer her basic first foods purees she can feed herself but it hasn't worked.
She'll happy eat yoghurt, cheese, and fruits but she's lacking everywhere else.
It's not that she doesn't like the foods, she'll take one or two mouthfuls and then stops eating it.

I need new ideas what to do besides force feeding her.
I'm at my wits end, meal times always end in tears for both of us.
Please help me :(

Posted in:  Food, Health & Wellbeing, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

4 Replies


So normal. She's choosing. Learning her own taste and choice. Stop making it a war and she'll come back in time. Try rice and chicken, drumsticks, stews. Keep offering small amounts and praising trying. Pick at style with meat, cheese, cucumber, tomato all in separate portions, dip fruit seem to be a winner.


Totally normal, very age appropriate. Relax, because being anxious just makes dinner times a nightmare for both of you. If she ears it she eats it, if she doesn't she doesn't. It will all be ok


A healthy child with access to food will not starve themselves. Don't give in and start supplying junk, it will be a nightmare to fix later down the track. Just keep offering good food choices and watch her health (inexplicable weight loss, lethargic behaviour, skin colour etc) to ensure it's not something else but to me it sounds like you have a perfectly normal 18 month old. Finger foods like homemade chicken and vegetable nuggets, meatballs and savoury muffins can be made in big batches and frozen in small portions. Supply a dipping sauce for the meatballs and nuggets, it's a mess I know but kids love mess lol.


Yogurt, cheese and fruit! Way to go mama. Seriously at least she is picking the good stuff. If my son even ate just one of those things id be happy. Dont stress yourself out trying to force her to eat more variety.
