toilet training boys

toilet training boys

Hello lovely I.Ms. My son is turning 3 next month, and we are about to embark on the tedious adventure of toilet training. I'm after tips and tricks to make our experience as smooth as possible, and hopefully be fully tt by the end of summer :) TIA

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Top tips, have some nappy free time before starting training. That way they can get used having a wee and know what it feels like and can see it, also it helps so you can pick up physical cues that he is about to go. Practice sitting on the toilet now, some kids find it quite scary so it's best to make sure that's all good before the extra pressure of going. Avoid toilet timing (where you send the child to the toilet at set intervals). It trains the bladder to stay small and some kids fail to learn to recognise a full bladder. Watch for signs the child needs to go and use that as your queue for toileting.

Anon Imperfect Mum

We are on day 6 of being day time trained without any accidents. I basically started with lots and lots of nappy free time and talking about it, letting him watch his dad and I use the toilet etc and other kids that were a bit older. My son hates the toilet so we use a potty (but I know some kids who refuse the potty and go straight to the toilet so work out what's going to work for you guys). The first day I reminded him continually that he had no nappy and needed to use the potty if he felt like weeing. When he had an accident I would just sy "oops next time can you please tell mummy a little earlier so we can do it on the potty?" After about 3 days there weren't anymore accidents with wees. poos were actually really easy. I had actually taught my son (as a joke ages ago - that when he does a cracker (fart) he says "do a cracker, brrrrrt"). So whenever he said that, I'd ask him if he needed to poo. If the crackers got closer together we would sit on the potty and read a book and then he pooped. Once he had done that first poo in the potty there was no turning back and he takes himself off now to do it. I haven't put undies back on him at home yet as he is only 2 and struggles to get them up and down so we are just pantsless during the days at home. Now I'm trying to night train but that is taking longer because he is a heavy sleeper and I don't want to get into the habit of waking him during the night. So he still has pull ups at night and once he wakes up dry consistently for a week or so I will know he is ready to take that next step. The only thing I definitely think is to not push them. If he's not ready he won't do it, it will just end in a lot of cleaning up and heartache from both of you. His brain has to work together with his bladder and it really is true when people say it just clicks for their kids one day.
