My 3 yr old son will not do poos in the toilet. He has been weeing in the toilet for about 12 months and when asked where he should do poos he says in the toilet but he refuses to actually go to the toilet. He hides or waits til night time when we put a nappy on for sleep. We have tried sticker chart and rewards - both sweets and small toys. He's gone to the toilet about 4 times so we know he can do it so we are very frustrated that he refuses to go. Any suggestions?
3 Replies
My son was exactly the same. Trained for wees at 2.8 and after a few poos wouldn't go again. Only in nighttime nappy. Unfortunately I pushed on and tried making him and he ended up so constipated it's taken 3mths of medicine to get him back regular. He has just 2wks ago decided himself he can do it and we've had no accidents at all. After he got blocked up I decided to wait until he's ready and just occasionally ask if he wants a sticker on chart for poo and get a prize after 3. He has decided he's ready he's just turned 4 and haven't had any accidents.
My only advice would be too wait it out and keep asking occasionally until he's ready
Some kids find the sensation of pooing in the toilet really scary/unpleasant and may be excellent at weeing on the loo but need a nappy for poos for a while after. I suggest not pushing him as he will get there eventually. See If he'll poo on a potty instead.
My son was like this, I found he didn't like the idea if sitting ontop of the toilet so I pulled out the potty again, I know it's gross and messy having him do a poo in the potty but after about a week my son decided by him self he would do a poo in the toilet. Since then he hasn't looked back.