Hi IMs, I'm in desperate need of hints and tips to toilet train my two and a half year old DD.
I'm at my wits end. I feel like I've tried everything, from stickers and reward charts to setting a timer and asking her every ten minutes. No matter what I do, she will just go in her pants! Please help!!
Toilet training hints and tips.
Toilet training hints and tips.
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
5 Replies
2.5 is very young for toilet training my kids weren't fully toilet trained during the day until 3.5.
my son is still in bedtime Nappies he's now 4.
my daughter was almost 6 before she stopped wearingg pulls ups at bedtime.
I've found summer is the best time to toilet train as it's easier to get all of the washing from the accidents dried lol
Good luck Mumma and remember not to pressure yourself to toilet train her now she will get the hang of it when she's ready xx
I think if my child just wasn't getting it I wouldn't push it, give her a while longer and come back to it later. My daughter is very switched on but we didn't start ( due to me being busy and not available to dedicate the time to it) we didn't do it until she was 2 and 10 months and it took under a week until she was hardly having accidents. I don't regret waiting at all, the later you wait the easier it is.
We did the same with night training it was almost a year later before we tried and again, she picked it up easily. If she didn't, I'd give her time. Like poster above said, there's no set time but 2 3 and even 4 is still very young, so don't stress if she's not getting it.
She may not understand how her body feels when she needs to wee.
The method I use when I start toilet training a child (yep I've done a bloody lot) is looking for signs that they NEED to go. I don't ask because they may not know themselves yet. I look for leg squeezing together, standing still, a few drops on the undies. It's different for every child but I bet if you watch closely she will show some physical symptom of being about to wee. When you see that symptom you say 'toilet' and take her to the toilet. No debates. You may need to sit her there for a few minutes so have books ready to entertain her. If she wees she gets a prize.
She will still have accidents and as long as the accidents are decreasing it is all ok. With repeated practice she will start to understand the feeling of needing to go and start initiating.
I had my son day and night toilet trained at 2 and 1/2.
I told him that he was a big boy now, he feeds himself, threw his dummy and bottles in the bin ect.. so I gave him a bag full of nappies and asked him to throw them in the bin, he then took the bin outside with me, had five or six accidents (all spaced out within the first two weeks) and thats it. He is now 3 and hasn't had an accident since the second week. All depends on the child, I never had to reward my son or give him sticker charts, we just yelled and jumped up and down with excitement. Now he even kicks me out of the bathroom to use it :-)
good luck xx
She's not ready, don't force it. When they're ready they get it super quick. Put her back in nappies and wait till sure shows you she's ready. Signs can include: telling you when she's weeing or pooing in her nappy and eventually when she's going to wee or poo; not wanting to stay wet or dirty in her nappy; staying dry for a long time.