Hi ladies, I'm wanting some tips on toilet training.
my son is 2 and 1/2 years old and I've finally decided its time for toilet training. We have tried in the past but he always seemed to go backwards after wearing a nappy or pull up pants during the night. I've decided to do it all at the same time, train by night and day and keep nappies out of sight. I'm wanting tips on when to stop giving my son drinks so he doesn't need to wee during the night, how to keep the bed dry (at the moment he has a thin mattress protector and a towel on his bed) and how to show rewards. After he first went toilet today we went down and brought a whole new bathroom set for him, toilet seat, toilet step and bath mat and he seemed really excited. I'm a single mum so it's quite hard to watch him all the time but he seems to be going well. Are there any tips on how to get my little boy through toilet training? He seems to be having a bit of trouble letting go even though he knows he needs to go as he tells me.
toilet training my toddler
toilet training my toddler
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
3 Replies
Get yourself a brolly sheet or really good mattress protector for the bed. Don't be disappointed if he isn't up for night time training many kids don't manage this until school aged and it's perfectly normal. Don't withhold fluids, just a trip to the toilet before bed. Most kids it's like starting from scratch in the morning for the first week at least. Don't tell off for accidents but praise any successes. You actually want to increase fluids during the day when toilet training so there are more opportunities to practice :) oh and don't bother with getting him fully dressed the first week, jocks and a top is plenty and will save on washing!
Hi thankyou for your comment! We have only had two accidents in the 2 days he hasn't been wearing a nappy and they have both been during the day. I have been leaving him naked of a night time and he has been waking up to go to the toilet.
thankyou for your advice :-)
Great news! My kid was easier to train at night too, but I'm well aware it's not the way it goes for most families.