My oldest child starts kindy next year so I really want to start studying so when my youngest starts kindy I have a qualification to go into a job.. My problem is I have absolutely no idea what I would like to do! My main concern is what I'd do on a school holidays ect? My kids have never been to daycare or anything so I don't really want to just send them to one during school holidays so I've been thinking of something to do with a school.. As I will then also get the holidays off.. What would be my first step if I wanted to become a school a councilor? What would the income be like? Any info, advice ect would be very much appreciated! I originally wanted to do age care.. But again I would prefer to be able to stay at home with my kids on the school holidays! Please give me some advice :)
2 Replies
Food for thought:
Even when working as a school teacher school holiday work is required. I used to spend significant amount of time each holidays catching up etc. so even though I was technically with my son it was not quality time! I was probably only present half the school holidays (besides summer). Also the school day for a teacher is much longer than you think, only the kids stop work at 3:30. Plus you have to allow for parent teacher interviews etc.
Remember by the time you actually qualify as a teacher your youngest would well and truly be in school. School holiday care is a great option and I know plenty of kids who beg to go because it's so much fun, and there parents don't work!
My sisters both work full time and they mix the school holidays up. So using some holiday leave for a few days, school holiday care for a few days and family for a few days. Seems to work well for them.
Personally I'd be looking for a job that you can leave at work.
Becoming a school counsellor is quite a process. You need to do a primary or high school teaching degree, have 400 days of teaching under your belt and do psychology on top of that. The link below provides the details on how to become a school counsellor in NSW schools.
What about school admin?
The above poster has great advice. Teaching is not a job that gets left at school. You would have a lot of prep, paperwork and organising to do during the holidays and after school.