Unsure of interview


Unsure of interview

I went for a job interview last week and it went really well, they contacted references and were very happy with them. I was invited back for a second round casual interview and they asked a few things I wasn't sure were appropriate but I'm not sure if I'm being over sensitive.
They asked if I was planning on expanding my family.
How would I balance work/children/childcare/illness?
What my husband did for a living and ifvhe was currently employed?

My husband was never asked anything like this when he interviews for roles. Thoughts?

Posted in:  IM's In Business, Money

6 Replies


I've been out of the workforce for a few years now but I'm fairly certain that's not allowed, they're not allowed to ask. You could call fair work and ask them.


The first gives them an idea on whether they need to train a back up for you sooner rather than later. The second, well no-one wants someone constantly off work because they haven't thought through childcare and the sick kids scenario. Third, the second becomes a moot point if you have a SAHD. Not sure if they're allowed but it's a few things I'd want to know before hiring someone.


Fairly sure the first question is not allowed but the second and third are pretty reasonable.


I didn't think they could ask about having children. Fair enough question about how you balance kids etc what your husband does is an odd question and none of their business


I went for an interview yesterday and got very similar questions about how I will balance kids/work. They did ask me about my children, but didnt ask if I was thinking of expanding family, I really dont think that is fair to ask that. I also think that if you are applying for a job as a mother, you already have a fair enough idea on how you will manage otherwise you wouldnt be applying in the first place. I get that its mainly women that are primary caregivers but a lot more dads are being stay at home dads and I bet they wouldnt get asked the same questions at interviews about how they will balance everything! Sorry rant over, hope you get the job but maybe follow up with fair work about the expanding family question as I really dont think thats right.


I would describe their questioning as inappropriate and discriminatory. I suggest contacting fair work. Unfortunately, discrimination around family obligations is very common.
