Vagina after birth

Anon Imperfect Mum

Vagina after birth

I'm in my late 20's and have two children. My first child was delivered via c-section and my body bounced back very quickly with our sex life back to normal in no time (and my
vagina same as it always has been).
My second child was an 8.5 pound full term baby delivered vaginally and required an episiotomy.
10 weeks postpartum and I'm quite depressed about the condition of my vagina.
When having sex, I can't feel my husband inside of me - at all. I feel as though I have no insides what so ever and it's just a huge round tunnel with no sides.
I've been doing Kegals however there doesn't seem to be any improvement what so ever.
When asking my girlfriends, they all say their vagina is back to its normal state and sex is the same as always. Their husbands confirm this. My husband is very respectful but does agree the massive change in me.
I gave birth around the same time as 4 of my girlfriends and they have said their vagina is back to normal and has been since a few weeks after the birth of their child (they are even onto their 2nd vaginally delivery).
I expected to have some change with my vagina to a degree but this feel so extreme.
What are some other experiences? Does it just take time or is there something else I can be doing to help myself?
Please help xx

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2), Health & Wellbeing

10 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

After my episiotomy I was not ready for sex for almost 6 months!
If you are even attempting sex you are doing good. It's only 10 weeks you basically had surgery down there. It's going to take time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My vagina was ruined after my 9lb baby. They didn't sew me up correctly so I'm looser and there is a thick flap of tissue at the entrance of my vagina and I can sometimes hear gross noises when I walk. It's disgusting and it's been years so I guess this is my vagina now. All of my friends say they got sewn back to virgins, but I didn't.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Talk to your gp asap about physio. Don't leave it like i did, now my vaginal damage is way pass physio.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi i had my daughter at 21yrs old, she was 8lb 1oz and I needed an episotomy. I feel like my vagina has gone back to normal, except the entrance (top of the cut) feels a lot weaker than before. The inside still feels the same. Your body takes time to heal, ive only just stopped experiencing pain in my scar (in general and while having sex), 2 years on from giving birth. 10 weeks PP is still early days and your body is still healing. But i would say go the GP and get checked up, if it doesnt feel right for you then no harm in getting a GP/physio opinion. Goodluck

Anon Imperfect Mum

Big baby and massive stitches.and I felt the same as you describe. Even doing star jumps at boot camp a year later was awkward. It must have fixed itself somewhat because 5 years later and second baby, natural birth, small stitch, no issues back to norm in a few weeks.

It really different, if you're not happy definitely visit a Dr.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I've had 5 kids all natural birth. First baby I had an episiotomy the rest it wasn't needed. I had forceps with the first. It took the doctor around 45 minutes to sew me up afterwards. It did take quite a while for sex to feel normal again. Everything hurt. Peeing. Sitting. Walking. Most especially sex! It was around six weeks PP until I even tried sex and for quite a few weeks after that it hurt.
I enjoy sex very much now and everything is back to normal (many years PP though).
I'd go see a doc if it's concerning you. Just to put your mind at ease.

I hope this isn't tmi... My present partner asked how I managed to get so 'tight' especially having so many kids. Yes, I do the Kegals exercises, but I've also partaken in another way of making your vagina tighten... Self pleasure. It works!

Best of luck. It sounds like it's pretty normal and time will heal. Take care of you xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm back.
Even science agrees with me ;)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you all very much for your personal responses. It's so hard to know what's 'normal'.
The thing is, I'm in no pain what so ever. I just can't feel a thing not in a numbing kind of way but in a size way. I read a saying 'a hotdog down a hallway' and it couldn't be any truer in my case. I feel terrible for my husband as I've thought 'is it in yet' when it most certainly is :-/
I'm glad I havent gotten my period back yet as I doubt Id be able to keep a tampon in!
I'll make an appointment with my gp next week and go from there.
Thank you so much x

Kristen Daley

I honestly thought I was reading my own question with your post, right down to my first being a c sec and 2nd being vaginal birth. I cried after my first time because I had felt nothing. My partner said it actually felt too tight but to me I had felt nothing. I thought that's how sex would be from now on and I felt horrible. It just took me a few more months to 'recover' but I did get feeling back eventually. Some people do have further complications after delivery but I believe you may just need more time ?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I wasn't ready for sex till 4 months after birth and I didn't have surgery.. Every ones body is different and takes time. They say it takes up to a year before your body has fully recovered from pregnancy and birth...
Please relax... Give your body time and keep going with the exercises
