Hi Sisters,
Looking for help support anything that u can access anonymously for depression and other feelings/symptoms/conditions.
I'm afraid of the outcome if I don't get help but more afraid of someone taking my kids if I do get help....... doubled edged knife Does anyone know of an anonymous qualified counseling services?
3 Replies
Your Doctor is anonymous. Your GP can not tell anyone what you are being treated for without your permission, it is against the law for him to do so. It's also against the law for a pharmacist to tell anyone what medication you would be taking as well as it is against the law for a psychologist to tell.
Seek help, you can not loose your babies for seeking help. Nobody will know you are being treated unless you tell them.
It will remain confidential unless they deem you a risk to yourself or others. I have a mental health disorder, I'm on meds and see a psych and I have 2 children whom I have 90% care of. My ex husband is a bully but because i am seeking help and put my children first there isn't anything he can do. I wish you lots of strength. Go and see your gp for a mental health plan. There are lots of us mummies out there who have been in your shoes
Online treatment program's can be just as effective as visiting a counsellor/psychologist.
Australian National University has Mood Gym which is self paced and very helpful. Macquarie University also has the e-couch. Both are free.
I have also used Mind Spot clinic which offers a free 12 week program supported by a telephone counsellor once per week. That gave me the best benefits. It's also free. You can also choose just it email the counsellor or not be in contact with the counsellor at all.
There is also another thing called Mum Mood Booster which is a research trial on how mums respond to different treatments and on the efficacy of online treatment. They assign people randomly to various groups with different types of support being offered and collate anonymous results.