What's happening to me.... Need a proper diagnosis


What's happening to me.... Need a proper diagnosis

Hi, lm a single mum of 2 daughters, 5 year old & 10 weeks old baby.
Struggling to cope with everything lately.
Alot has happened in the past year, compromised & got pregnant to my partner, my dad passed away, sucked in & cheated on my partner, gas bottles were turned on in the middle of the night & could of killed me & daughter if hadnt woken up, split from partner, moved out of partner's house, daughter changed school, had a premmie baby, and alot more in between.
Ex partner seems lie & deny things against my family, says 1 thing & then says another or does the opposite which leads me to feeling confused & dont know what to do & who to believe.
Have been to counselling, now recently seen r-ship with ex partner, seen a psychtiatric who has recently changed my medication back to what l was taking before getting pregnant. Have just started to take the medication.
Since given birth, l have felt like lm living in a blur, confused, lost 10kgs, can't seem to think & remember things properly. I feel like my life is a mess, my head is a mess. Have been to doctor & he didnt seem helpful nor give me any diagnosis. I have so much going on with appointments, trying to look for a better decent house for the kids & l, upcoming surgery plus possibly looking at more in future (back surgery & heamorriods)
Am wondering if l have Postnal Depression, Anxiety or perhaps Post Traumatic Stress Disorder??
Can some-one tell me whats happening to me please??

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression

5 Replies


Very possibly but it would take a professional to pin point. Or you could just be very very very tired.

Try to find a little time each day to recharge. Do something for yourself even if it is a nice glass of juice and a tv episode in peace.

Keep up the therapy. It does help.

Family integrated services is a division of anglicare families can be referred to by schools and counsellors they can help you get some support services in place to get you through this period and headed toward something a little less hectic.

Also ask your doc to take bloods and check that your iron vitamin D etc is all good although it's likely already monitored.

Its your psychiatrist who diagnosis


Definitely talk to your psychiatrist. It could be that you just have a hell of a lot going on, it could be post-natal depression it could be a combination of stuff. But the only person who should even attempt to diagnosis you is your psychiatrist.
Some times there is no appropriate diagnosis, so they treat the symptoms. My son has a weirdo rare diagnosis that he kind of fits, but we aren't sure, so his psychiatrist is concentrating on treating his symptoms. We kind if don't worry about an exact diagnosis unless we have to fill in a form for the government.
So I suppose what I'm saying is getting the right supports in place are more important than the diagnosis.
Maybe talk to your doctor about referring you to a social worker or similar?


I had a similar feeling and went to Dr's repeatedly, asked for blood tests, Google Dr and went in asking do I have this? They'd send me away. I'd eventually go back.Finding nothing doesn't make it any better for you, it's sad that they can send you off no better!
Keep looking until you find the right Dr. For me it was a female Dr in a women's health clinic. She didn't get it straight away, but she gave me a few meds, referred me to a psychologist and then said, Ok we're going to tackle this one thing at a time until we get there.
For me, turns out it was very psychological caused by situation. It took 2 years and my life to crumble to find that Dr that finally sorted it.
Keep looking, good luck


Do some research on borderline personality disorder and if the symptoms seem to fit your circumstances then talk to a doctor about it. Sounds like BPD to me.


It sounds like you have been on one hell of a ride! Chances are it's just a build up and reaction of everything you've been through. If you have any family or close friends nearby, please find somebody to share all this with. You can see all the professionals in the world, but having someone supportive and understanding to lean on can make all the difference. Take time out for you, and give yourself time to heal. In regards to the doctor you saw who didn't seem helpful, if you weren't happy with the outcome of your visit, seek a second opinion. You know yourself better than anyone else. If you think something is wrong, trust your gut! Good luck, I hope it all gets better for you x
