work from home job for my disabled elderly mum

Anon Imperfect Mum

work from home job for my disabled elderly mum

Hi Ladies,

my mum is approaching 60 and badly hurt her back a few weeks ago. she currently has a full time time 5 days a week but hasn't been able to go into work for some time now. she has used up all her sick leave and annual leave so is currently not getting any income at all. very real possibility she will be let go soon so she desperately needs a work from home job asap! it can't involve anything that needs parties to make an income cause some days she can't get out of bed at all due to the pain and needs to lay down after a couple of hours of standing up all despite high pain meds. with her mortgage and bills she can't afford to live off the pension so does anyone know anything she can sell on eBay, data entry jobs, anything that just needs a computer and Internet to start or any that doesn't involve any parties and make a decent income etc? any other info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all in advance
sincerely a concerned daughter

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2), Health & Wellbeing, IM's In Business, Money

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Any work she gets may only be part time. In all honesty it's time to make some tough decisions. She might be able to access her super while she makes those decisions. But it sounds like it is time to down size to make sure that any income is bonus money that enhances her life rather than pays the necessities and her pension covers the necessities. You can live off the pension if you make the right choices.

Jessica Morris

If she has been working before she probably has been paying superannuation and her superannuation policy is likely to have disability insurance within it. It wouldn't hurt to speak to a solicitor who helps with super claims or can help look over her super policy and whether she has this cover. Good luck x
