Changes to The Imperfect Mum

You asked for a private community... We've built it for you. 

The new website is an ambitious project to bring together both community and privacy in a way that encourages positivity and openness. 

Since the launch of the new site we have received a huge influx of frequently asked questions about how the new website works and how it effects the community. Here they are.

Will all questions be on the new site only?
No, we will post questions both on the new site and on facebook.

Where do we ask questions now?
You now ask all questions on the new website, that way you can receive immediate answers and you no longer need to wait 7-10 days for your questions to be posted.  (Also so much better for Kelly and I, we can spend more time with our children and husbands the old format of us reposting took up a lot of our personal time -So this change has had a huge impact on our personal lives)>
Click the images below to see them at full size:

If I answer a question on the new site will it automatically go to facebook too?
No, your answers will only post to the new website.

Can you ask questions anonymously?
Yes, you can you just click the post anonymously box. Like previously The Imperfect Mum administrators will be able to see who you are, but the community will not.
Click the images below to see them at full size:

Do I only answer posted questions on the new website?
You can answer questions wherever you like, either on facebook or the new site. However if you were wanting your answer to be anonymous (not show up in your friends feeds) you will need to answer it on the website as there is an anonymous option there.

How do I answer a question on the new site?
You need to log in using facebook, you will find the log in button at the top of the mobile website, or on the left hand side of the PC website.
Click the images below to see them at full size:


How long does it take for my question to appear on the new site?
Your question will show immediately.

Can I delete or edit my question or response to a question?
Yes you can edit and delete your question and your responses to a question.

Can I log in without using facebook?
No. As a positive measure against cyber-bullying in the community, we decided to make registration on The Imperfect Mum REQUIRE a valid Facebook account. In order to strike a balance between safety and privacy, it is important that IM administrators can see who everyone is, while questions appear anonymous to the public, for your privacy.

What everybody's saying
"I must say I was a little upset when I initially saw you were changing things, however I told myself to give it a go and I'm so glad I did.  The community feels different, it's more like a sisterhood. The responses are so much more considered and thoughtful.  So I just wanted to say  Thank you for having a vision and thank you for having the determination to follow it through you've done so well and you're taking the community to where it needs to go. Christine. C

“I love how you can search questions via subject now” -Emma. C

“It's so awesome how you can post your own questions anonymously. “  - Katrina. L

“Wow, I love the option of being able to answer anonymously.”- Kate. M

"I like to be able to go back to questions, and it's so much easier to locate the question I was looking for on the new site as you just do a search or look  through the category.  Good work guys! :)" - Hayley.G

“I’ve downloaded The Imperfect Mum App for my iPhone which could be dangerous as I can see myself spending way too much time on the new site. - Sally. B

" I love how you can flag trolls" - Anna A

"The community seems so much more pleasant.  Trolls don't seem to bother going to the new website.  -The I.M's that are there are there for the right reasons"  - Mellisa P

"The new site is so clean and easy to navigate.  Looks beautiful!" - Lara. z


We are busy tweaking the site to get the balance just right. So if you have any questions, problems or feedback please use the contact form.

And I would just want to finish with a reminder about the code of conduct, please make sure you have a read over it if you haven't already.

Thank YOU!




About the Author

Kristy Vallely is the founder and Creator of the Imperfect Mum.

Kristy believed there needed to be a place that women could go to. Where they could talk and relate. A place they could feel safe. A place they trusted. So The Imperfect Mum was born in June 2011. There was obviously such a need that when the gates 'opened' a huge flurry of women followed. Kristy has always been very passionate about women and the issues they face.

Her passion and determination has helped her carve out a career helping others and creating 'a go to place' for women from all around the world.

Posted in:  FAQ

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi just wondering where the answers go when you ask a question? Do you just check back at your post or are they emailed to you or sitting in your profile somewhere? Just not sure how it works.