"My Kids KNOW I am not perfect"

Perfection does not exist – yet as mothers so many of us are all striving for it. We’re all putting so much pressure on ourselves and placing so much emphasis on the “shoulds”...
We should always enjoy motherhood.
We should always want to ‘give’ to our kids even when there’s nothing left to give.
We should be present and ready to engage, play and be there for our kids 100% of the time.
We should always attend ALL of their school plays or sports carnivals.
We should be patient 100% of the time, never yell or lose our cool.
Where did this "should" word come from, and this expectation to be a perfect mum?
Read whole article here. 

About the Author

Kristy Vallely is the founder and Creator of the Imperfect Mum.

Kristy believed there needed to be a place that women could go to. Where they could talk and relate. A place they could feel safe. A place they trusted. So The Imperfect Mum was born in June 2011. There was obviously such a need that when the gates 'opened' a huge flurry of women followed. Kristy has always been very passionate about women and the issues they face.

Her passion and determination has helped her carve out a career helping others and creating 'a go to place' for women from all around the world.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

5 Replies

Emily Moore

Don't know where it came from but I wish it would go back there!!

Karina Dwyer

We are to hard ON ourselves and want to be perfect in every way but we all , mums, know that it is impossible!

Karina Dwyer

We are to hard ON ourselves and want to be perfect in every way but we all , mums, know that it is impossible!

Karina Dwyer

We are too hard ON ourselves and want to be perfect in every way but we all , mums, know that it is impossible!

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