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Anon Imperfect Mum
Please no judgement. I have a friend in prison that is currently doing time for murder of his ex. It was so completely out of character for him, he just completely snapped and their relationship was a really toxic mix altogether with both sides having anger issues and happened back in 2013. He...
Anon Imperfect Mum
One thing I’m finding so familiar on this page - the need to constantly brand people! The minute a poster asks a question about behaviours or situations they are unsure how to handle, the immediate response is: RED FLAG, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, THATS ABUSE, LEAVE HIM, GASLIGHTING, HES CONTROLLING YOU,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm struggling with the behaviour of my partner's eldest daughter. I have tried forging a relationship with her but she pushes me away & can be quite nasty & manipulative. He is oblivious to that. She's in her late teens & has just had her own child. Whenever I bring up the subject, he...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Our son is 7 and his behaviour both at home and school is getting worse. He never listens, argues and complains constantly when asked to do something, back chats, and has recently started physically lashing out at his teachers. He has a younger sibling who he often hits or kicks when getting angry...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello ladies!! In need of some advice please! I’ll try make it short and not so sweet. So my MIL thrives on drama! She has a problem with almost everyone on the planet! I was waiting for the day she would target me. Now I’ve done a lot for this woman, taken her everywhere she wants to go, lent her...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What do I do? I will give the shortest possible version to my the situation: for a little background to help u derstand as i honestly no longer know how to help my child. Sadly there are not many good schools around and they are all zoned unless private. ( i will not enter our public system for a...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi, please no bashing. I just don’t know what to do here. I’ve separated from my partner, we have 2 sons together. He has also raised my daughter since she was a baby, he is all she knows. I was worried he would cut contact with her, which he hasn’t, but something he has said and chosen to do is...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Please no judgement For as long as I can remember I always wanted a daughter. I wanted to raise a beautiful little girl, I had all these images in my head. I now have a daughter who is 5 next week. I've been a solo mum since day one. Shes been diagnosed with adhd asd. But I think he has ODD. My...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi sisterhood, I’m after advice on how to approach my 7 year old daughter. She has always been beyond her years but she is acting7 going on 17, which I know can be normal. But I don’t like the way she acts and I don’t know how to approach it with her. I was wondering if there are any good books,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Sorry thid might be long. I am at my wits end at the moment. I have a amazing 3 year old who I love so much but I am struggling to the point I don't know of I can keep going. She is well behaved for everyone except me I really feel that she hates me. I have to fight with her to do anything from...