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Sunday, 23 February 2020 - 16:48
My elderly neighbour is becoming a bit of a pest and I don’t know how to politely ask her to stop insisting on visiting on a regular basis. She doesn’t have any family close by and they don’t visit her and she likes to keep herself busy by regularly visiting others. My issue is I have a very young...
Saturday, 22 February 2020 - 13:57
Please help! Our 10 year old daughter is funny, caring and lovable.... except for when she’s not. Time and time again she speaks nasty, is short tempered, rude and I feel like she is ALWAYS in trouble for her attitude. I get the pre-puberty attitude, I understand children go through changes, but...
Friday, 21 February 2020 - 21:20
My best friend has been in an abusive marriage for 11 years. When she first started dating this man he seemed like the perfect partner. He was caring, hardworking, funny and seemed to care deeply for her. It was about a year in when I started to notice he wasn't as perfect as he seemed and slowly...
Thursday, 20 February 2020 - 14:10
My 8 year old son has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. He is currently trialing his first medication. First 2 weeks he just has half a tablet in the morning. The following 2 weeks he will be required to take it morning and mid day. I have informed the school, provided all relevant information and...
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 - 22:08
Yes you read that right... My 5 year old son keeps running away from school. I’ll start off by saying this lil terror child of mine is my youngest child. My waters broke at 34 weeks and was admitted into hospital where they induced labor at 35 weeks was told nothing would start until the next day...
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 - 12:52
12 months ago, a person (male) made allegations against my husband. They alleged that he abused them 15 years ago when they were living with my husband and his now ex-wife. The allegations shattered us: the ex-wife and my husband's grown children (who lived at home at the time) were 100% behind my...
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 - 22:57
My “father” hasn’t been in my life for many years as he sexually abused someone very close to me. No charges were laid (long story) and although he was confronted with it he basically got away with it. He remarried when I was quite young and started another family and then became a grandfather. His...
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 - 20:03
Help! I’m a single working mum. I have 2 daughters and a son. My oldest daughter is nearly 14 and seems intent on destroying me. She attacks me. She has reported me for abusing her- so I had to install cameras to prove my innocence. I am constantly berated and intimidated, threatened, harassed. I...
Wednesday, 5 February 2020 - 21:39
Hi, my almost 12 year old son is dreading going to his dads this weekend. He hates going and I just don’t know what to do anymore. I have always encouraged him to go. But it’s now becoming a real problem. Has anyone been through this? What did you do? I feel like he will start hating me if I force...
Wednesday, 5 February 2020 - 18:32
Hi sisters I really need help or strategies to help with a child who can not concentrate can not read or write and knows she can't read and write and has issues with starting this Readers are at level one still first page Which beetle is not the same ? Second page This beetle is not the same. It is...