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Thursday, 20 May 2021 - 10:33
How do we cope as middle aged women, young kids + adult kids, aging parents, shift worker, menopause and life in general. Am I the only person who feels there is no such thing as time for me? Overwhelmed at the moment.
Monday, 17 May 2021 - 21:24
I don’t know what to do anymore. My four year old has me at the end of my rope. Everything is a fight all the time. They hate their dad, then me, then both of us at the same time. It’s exhausting. They were completely toilet trained, now they have accidents almost everyday. We’ve tried peaceful...
Monday, 17 May 2021 - 10:30
My 12 year old Darling Daughter wrote a horribly abusive and vile letter to a girl in her grade at school. DD barely knows the girl and has very little to do with her. She has never mentioned her, and doesn't even know her last name! I feel extremely sad for the victim and her mother. I put myself...
Friday, 14 May 2021 - 11:42
I have 3 pre-teen children who have been living with me during the weeks, then visiting their father for regular weekends. Around 11 months ago, their father stopped taking the children for their weekend visits, as he didn't like that I said no to a change that he was bullying me into. I requested...
Thursday, 13 May 2021 - 17:45
I'm not doing well and I know it. I have PTSD, my anxiety is making me feel crazy and I have been sobbing all week. I have complex shit going on in my life I can't escape, I also have no control of it so I don't think I'll ever be able to properly recover. The undiagnosed bulimia I've been battling...
Thursday, 13 May 2021 - 09:22
My 10 year old son is struggling! He is hormonal, angry, lashing out, arguing and above all the attitude, omg the attitude! I realise this can be normal for his age. A lot of it I believe is stemming from his teacher.. a few incidents here and there and now he has zero respect for her (or anyone it...
Monday, 10 May 2021 - 19:42
Hi Sisterhood, I am after some advice and a vent. Has anyone ever experienced an assault of their child at Kindergarten from another child? Our child has recently been severely assaulted. Swelling to face, bruises, head and neck area. The Child Care has admitted liability and said it was a...
Thursday, 6 May 2021 - 11:57
How do other parents do it? I’m a mum to 3 beautiful girls, 6, 4 and 4 weeks. We are currently building an extension onto our house and my partner has just been offered over time at work. So at the moment I’m feeling a little lost, emotional and abit angry because he’s taken on these extra hours...
Tuesday, 4 May 2021 - 10:46
Hey all! So, I have been offered my dream job. Great hours, 5 days a week, a great step in my career. But. The commute. It will be approx 50 minutes each way (90% highway). All good for me. But I have a 2yo who would have to come with me. There are no care options where I live, and relocating is...
Friday, 23 April 2021 - 21:57
My 13 year old developed Bells Palsy 5 months ago - one side of his face is paralyzed and he can’t close his right eye and has a lopsided smile. He has had CT scans, steroid treatment, physio, acupuncture and daily facial massaging and exercises with no improvement. Our first specialist was not...