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Anon Imperfect Mum
So my husband may have an opportunity to work overseas for up to 4 years, which would involve us (and two kids currently 4 and 7) relocating to a mainly non-English speaking country for that time (though there is a large expat community). When that contract ends then there would likely be another...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I was with my partner for 8mnths. He's in his 50s, a trainer for an organisation, seems jovial and patient with volunteers. But has been described as a loose canon with an explosive temper and control issues. I'm in my 20s, with a toddler I'm solely responsible for. He can be very compassionate,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Feeling lost. Looking for some sort of advice. Im a single mum of 2. I had my first son when I was very young. I left my domestic violence marriage 3 years ago after 8 years of abuse. I found a new partner who I thought was different but he ended up being a drug addict and alcoholic. I am no longer...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Please be gentle- I'm currently 8 months pregnant and struggling to bond with my unborn baby. We tried for such a long time to fall pregnant and I was over the moon when we finally did. However, I'm really struggling to connect. Is this a normal thing? My pregnancy has been easy but with lots of...
Anon Imperfect Mum
So i have two children, 8 and 10 years old. Over this school holidays ive had their friends or the neighbourhood kids over every single day. I love it. I love that they are having heaps of fun and keeping busy. I love taking them all for outings and for lunch and what not..But.... i hate doing...
Anon Imperfect Mum
So my kids have a neighbourhood friend..she is at our house most of the time. When i take my kids places she usually comes and her mum has taken my daughter to places a few times also. I always give me daughter a little cash if she goes with them at what i think the activity would cost. Anyway...
Anon Imperfect Mum
How does everyone make their life work? I feel like I’m constantly trying to fit miss 5 into my life rather than fitting life around her. She’s off to school in three weeks which will help tremendously but until then I’m not coping. I feel so guilty the last three weeks of the holidays there’s been...
Anon Imperfect Mum
How does one deal with the x's partner constantly putting me down to the children. Had a conversation this morning with my 3 little kids 6 and 4yo twins. They said she hates me, says I'm stupid and says adult things to them like how I don't have a boyfriend, not only do they have to deal with her...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Ok this is gonna be a long one, and a complicated one. I was married to my husband for 3 years, very happily, at least I thought we were. He left me one day, for another woman he met at work. Our child was 18 months old when he left. As an infertile couple, we had been through IVF for our daughter...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IMs This will be long and rambling, please bear with me. My two girls aged 10 and 14 are dancers and had a real love for it until they saw the dark side of it. Dancing is a beautiful are form and I know our experience is not the norm. Said dance teacher has no qualifications at all and does not...