Sunday, 15 November 2015 - 21:24
Hi IMs, I have a 3.5 year old daughter who has been toilet trained since she was 2, the problem is only twice has she done number 2s on the potty and since has always nagged for a nappy to do her business. We are at the stage where she doesn't need one for bed but she does for 2s. I have tried...
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 - 08:26
My eldest baby is 20 months old, junior nappies are getting to be to small for him and he refuses to use the potty ever since he come back from his grannys house for the weekend we go to put him on it (even try to bribe him) but he just screams as soon as he sees it, I don't know what to do!!
Saturday, 7 November 2015 - 21:55
My son is 4 and has nappy rash from night nappies. My partner is not his father but we have been together for almost 3 years. Last night I was out before bedtime abd asked my partner to put cream on his bum before bed and he refused abd said no way was he creaming his bum. Am I right to expect him...
Wednesday, 4 November 2015 - 10:35
Hi, I my DD is 4 years old. She is fully toilet trained with wees, however, not with pooing. We have tried everything with getting her to do them on the toilet. Every now and then she does, but then regresses back to her pants. Her daycare is starting to get annoyed about it because other parents...
Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - 12:55
My son is 2.5 and showing signs of wanting to toilet train taking nappy off with every wee etc. GREAT. Well it would be IF he could talk and communicate he is GDD. My older son was the same and didn't become toilet trained until he was near on 4...i would so love some tips to make it easier.
Thursday, 8 October 2015 - 21:47
My 3yr ds has been in a regression for the last few weeks, he was toilet trained completely for 6months now he having accidents all the time likes he's to lazy to go to the toilet and he wants a milk bottle he stopped that when he was 18 months. There hasn't been any thing to upset him or any...
Friday, 4 September 2015 - 11:42
I need your help. Master 3 was toilet trained from 2.5 years. When I returned to work (part-time 8 weeks ago) he had a regression and starting pooing his pants every single time. It's now been two weeks and no accidents in his pants. The issue is though- he poos outside. He refuses to go to the...
Sunday, 30 August 2015 - 19:47
I am so sick to death of my husbands selective hearing and ignoring. Our almost 2 year old decided she wanted to stop wearing nappies and toilet train a week ago. She is doing amazing and has only had 6 accidents. That is okay. But they have all occurred when my husband is watching her in the...
Tuesday, 4 August 2015 - 09:43
I'm after ideas to get my 2.5 year old daughter interested in toilet training. She has absolutely no interest whatsoever. When asked if she's done a poo, she says no and runs away. When I say she needs to use a toilet she say no its mummy's toilet. She won't sit on for long if I put her on the...
Monday, 3 August 2015 - 13:53
Please, please, please....your best tips on toilet training a little boy (3 years)? Currently tearing my hair out. He knows how to but keeps deliberately wetting himself