
Hey sisters! Multiple questions so please bare with me! 1) I am very curious to know when do you start toilet training your kids? My daughter is 16 months and she keeps wanting to go without a nappy but I am tired of cleaning up the pee all the time! 2) how do you even start the toilet training...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi all. We are first time parents trying to toilet train our 2 year old son, well 2 years and 3 months to be exact. We've tried a couple of timed, unsuccessfully, to toilet train him, but now he's showing a lot more signs that he is ready and he can communicate to us in his own way. He's at the...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have a 2yr old who is 3 in August. I am 4 months pregnant so would ideally like to have him toilet trained before number 2 baby is here. I personally feel he is not ready. For a 2 year old he does not talk in sentences. He has jibberish lingo, says please and mum all the time and sometimes...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My 2 year old absolutely hates nappies he takes off what ever he is wearing to take his nappy off. And he refuses to use the potty or the toilet we have spent over $200 on buying him stuff to potty train him and he just refuses and screams. He doesn't mind being around the toilet if he's watching...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Mums, I'm REALLY struggling with teaching my little boy (3) how to poo in the toilet. He's been in undies full time for months now and has no issues with wees. We have some really good talks about using the toilet but he still always goes in his undies. I really want to help him but I'm not sure...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi mums :) We are starting to toilet train our nearly 3 yr old (July) and we are having trouble with getting him to do wees in the toilet. He is obsessed with the movie Cars so we bought undies with the characters on them and have told him they are big boy undies and if he wees in them he will make...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My 3yr ds has been regression with his toilet training, he was fully trained by the time he was 2 but the last few months it's none stop accidents. it's like he is scared
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IMs. I'm after some advice on night time toilet training. I have 2 girls 4 and 5. Decided to take both girls out of nappies about 3 months ago. My 4 year old has done wonderfully but my 5 year old is still wetting the bed the majority of the time. I'm not worried, I know every child is different...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My eldest son is 20 months old, he refuses to let me put a nappy on him and we are struggling to potty train him as he is to big for a normal potty (the ones where u empty the tray thingy) but he is also scared of the normal toilet I am honestly starting to loose my mind over it because I don't...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi mums. I am in need of urgent help with my 2 year old. For the last couple of months he has been taking his nappy off during nap time and if he does a poo he puts it everywhere, I mean everywhere. We solved it by taping around the nappy so he can't pull it off, in saying that it was a lot of...