Wednesday, 1 March 2017 - 20:18
My brothers kids 9,10, 2 were removed from their home due to drug use in the home and not being cared for. They now live with my parents . My father has terminal cancer so my mum whom is very capable has all of this to deal with. The kids have issues. Nothing major outwardly. Very well behaved kids...
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 - 06:57
Can I hear others experiences with moving towns? How did you weigh it all up and know it was right for your family? I feel stuck and scared if I take the leap and it doesn't work I will be even more stuck! For years we have talked about relocating for a better lifestyle, so we can afford a house...
Monday, 13 February 2017 - 14:44
Hi IMs What do other SAHM do for hobbies?! You know when the baby is down for there long afternoon nap?! I've never really known what I'm good at or found my passion...yet. My partner and I have recently decided that I will not be returning to work once my maternity leave is up which is great and I...
Saturday, 11 February 2017 - 14:53
Hi Girls. Breast augmentation. I've made the decision to get my boobs done. Its something I have wanted to do for ages, as I'm pretty flat chested. I'm 36 with no kids, single and loving life apart from my lack of boob-age. I currently live in Cairns and have looked into a couple of Plastic...
Sunday, 5 February 2017 - 11:55
I'm not really sure if I'm in need of advice, or just want to hear from some other single mums who have been in my position. I'm a single mum of two. I'm almost 30. I rent, drive a crappy car, and only have a small amount of savings that I keep 'in case of emergency'. We're definitely not...
Friday, 3 February 2017 - 09:40
Hi everyone. Im looking at changing my sons name to my maiden name. My ex husband and i are seperated and divorce is almoat final. I have met a new amazing man and plan to have a child with him in the near future. I want all of my children to have the same name as me. The isuue is that my ex told...
Thursday, 2 February 2017 - 12:24
I understand this may seem particularly obnoxious and vain to some people, however I'm not sure where else to seek help. I'm addicted to shopping, mostly online and largely for my children however also myself. I have recently assessed bank statements and discovered I'm spending upwards of $1100 a...
Wednesday, 1 February 2017 - 23:11
Could this go on the Facebook pages, for some varied opinions? I'm, just after some insight. I'm wondering if it's a common hormonal thing with mums. I suppose I'm looking for an explanation other than 'I'm crazy'. Did you have to fight an overwhelming need to have another baby straight away. My...
Wednesday, 1 February 2017 - 14:15
Need advice on helping a friend of mine change her ways. I have a friend who is 30 years old, married with two kids age one year old and 5 month old. She is a lawyer and her husband is a psychiatrist. The problem I have with her is that she only seems to care about herself. She buys designer brand...
Thursday, 19 January 2017 - 16:02
Hi everyone. Im a 20y.o mum of a 17 month old boy and 14 weeks pregnant with my second. I would really love to do a water birth but my local hospital doesnt do them (I am a nurse working there im %100 sure) So my only option is a water and home birth, home birth has never really been in my thoughts...