Husband refuses kids jab

Anon Imperfect Mum

Husband refuses kids jab

Hi Mums, my husband and I have been together for 20 years and have 2 primary age children together. As babies and all throughout our parenting I have been the one to take them to appointments, vaccinations dental clinics ect with no contention or issues ever.
Fast forward to 2022 and school age kids are eligible for the Covid jab and my husband is completely against having them done, to the point where he has threatened to contact a solicitor and leave the home. I believe the kids should be vaccinated so they have some protection from Covid and keep them out of hospital and safe. They are not sickly kids ect, happy and healthy, but I feel it’s in everyone’s best interest to be jabbed. My husband completely disagrees emphatically. He is also unjabbed and believes in all sorts of conspiracy theories that long term health will be jeopardised if he/they are vaxxed. We are at a complete stalemate, I can’t see any compromise, how do we save our marriage and keep the kids safe?? I’m at a complete loss.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt

51 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

So is he completely anti-vax? What about all the childhood vaccinations? Flu Vax?

For some reason, the anti-vax movement has really captured some really gullible people with fake promises and science 😩 it's just such a rabbit hole.

Personally...for me vaccination has always been a priority. I could not imagine my husband just going to into anti-vax, conspiracy mindset. That would destroy my mental health and definitely not something I could put up with.



Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m pro vaxx at this point in this country, but it does come down to circumstance. The pros beat the cons, but the cons for kids are not that conny anyway. The only real issue is the long Covid and the way it attacks heart and organs that we don’t know about yet. But then you can’t hash out facts with a conspiracy theorist and to be honest, I may be able to agree not to vaxx the kids but I couldn’t tolerate the idiocy that comes from the extremes lately, it’s embarrassing.
Just remember, your view is just as valid as his. I’d have him at a doctor to discuss. One, he needs to respect you as much as he wants you to of him. And two, let him argue his theory to a doctor and just watch and see how you feel about him after.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m not anti vax but I am anti Covid vax. There is no proper research. If you look at the media you can see it’s not even working effectively. The risk to healthy children from Covid is extremely low.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your husband is a smart man.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am in the middle. Considering the only thing the vaccines do at this point is help stop it from turning serious and kids aren't too affected by covid in all its glory anyway then I kind of think why are we vaccinating them? The possible side effects of the vaccines are pretty serious, does that outweigh the very low risk of full covid turning serious for kids? I don't know but it would be interesting to find out. My kids have been vaccinated against most things except chicken pox (naturally are) and the flu. I have never had the flu shot for me or my family, I don't see the point we've all had it before and survived.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The severity of Side affects and the risk of the vaccine is very low, far lower than the severity of, and risk of, Covid in children. Aside from the personal gain, vaccines also stop the spread to the vulnerable and increase the population rates to where we can stamp out the pandemic. Vaccines play a large part in helping things stay open and keep running which has a huge part in childrens wellbeing and development.

Anon Imperfect Mum

No, that's where I disagree. It stops the severity, which is great but it does not stop the spread at all so it has had no affect on transmission to elderly or business closures.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It certainly does NOT stop the severity! People who are vaccinated are getting it worse then those who are not vaccinated.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Seriously? Vaccinated people are getting covid worse than non vaccinated people? Is there a single, reputable, medical journal that supports this? Absolutely not.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Of course there is nothing to say that, it doesn’t need to be on the tv or on Google, it is it’s been experienced first hand by 100’s of thousands

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s not guaranteed in everybody and never was. This is where people can’t understand stats and misread the data. Yes vaccinated people will end up in hospital. Yes more vaxxed than unvaxxed will be in hospital, due to vaxx rate of the population. That doesn’t mean vaxx isn’t working. It means it is when you read the data properly.
And by stopping the severity you are stopping the length of time you’re sneezing and coughing a contagious load around the place which means a lowered spread rate.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It doesn’t stop the spread rate or the serverity. I am unvaccinated and I never got a cough at all. My only symptoms was a head ache and night flushes for 1 night, as well as my partner. My children had no symptoms at all! NONE. Everyone I know who is vaccinated and had covid has been sick as a dog.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It doesn’t stop the spread rate or the serverity. I am unvaccinated and I never got a cough at all. My only symptoms was a head ache and night flushes for 1 night, as well as my partner. My children had no symptoms at all! NONE. Everyone I know who is vaccinated and had covid has been sick as a dog.

Anon Imperfect Mum

That’s called an anecdote.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She might have to look up what that means, she expected us to change our views based on her one experience. Arrogant much.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He can get a solicitor, they can’t do a thing about it. Stop taking his threats and just go get them their jab and be done with it. He sounds controlling. I got my kids done and didn’t even give a crap what my husband thought. I Booked in and off we went and they are fine.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He can’t refuse if you book them in and take them. Just take them. If he leaves then he leaves. He sounds like he is bribing and controlling you. I would be saying byyyye then!

Anon Imperfect Mum

He reads the conspiracy theories that says it all 🤦🏼‍♀️ Book then in and go, he won’t even know they are shredding and he will have amazing 5G and I could go on but you get the point! My kids have all had it with no side affects and are doing great!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm always the last person to recommend separation.... But I'd jab my kids and let my husband leave. A solicitor won't help him. It will just delay the jab and put your kids at risk.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am not anti vax, both of my kids have received all vaccines except for the covid vaccine. This vaccine is still in trial untill 2023. There is no long term data on this vaccine and how it may affect anyone long term.
No one is responsible if you do have bad side effects. I personally know 3 people who have had bad side effects from it, blood clots, heart issues, and extreme sickness, and one lady I used to work with dropped dead at work a few weeks after having her vaccine. these people plus more that I know will not get any boosters and regret getting it done in the first place. My family and I have all had covid within the last month, my children, partner and I are all unvaccinated for covid. Our symptoms were very very mild (hot flushes for 1 night, feeling like we had a cold, my 7 and 3 year old children had no symptoms at all and i wouldn’t have even known that they had it if I didn’t test them. My dad and sister who are fully vaccinated were in bed for 3 days with worse symptoms then Any of us. My dad chose to get the vaccine to try and protect my mum from catching covid As she is unvaccinated and has heart disease and bronchitis but he got it before her and passed it on to her. My mum was fine and had less symptoms then him and my sister. You see, the vaccine isn’t stopping anyone from getting it or from passing it on. It seems that the vaccinated are ending up more sick then those who are not vaccinated.
I am glad we all caught it when we did as we all have 6 month exemptions from any of the vaccines and we have natural immunity. People who are getting the vaccine as only covered for getting the vaccine for 3 months before they need a booster shot. The vaccines are currently at 3 shots to be fully vaccinated, soon it will be 4 then 5 and so on.
Please listen to your husband when he says he doesn’t want the children vaccinated! The children will more then likely be fine IF they catch it. If they get the vaccine they have a chance of getting side effects and possibly causing long term damage, and they still won’t be protected as almost every person I know who has been vaccinated has caught covid. If by chance you decide not to listen to your husband and go against his wishes by vaccinating the children the. If something was to go wrong, now or long term you won’t be able to take that back and you wouldn’t forgive yourself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She won't forgive herself if they die from a condition because they're unvaccinated either. That's fear mongering.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Fear mongering? Lol what do you think the government have been doing to get people to this point of having vaccines and booster shots? Fear mongering! Covid has a 99% success rate. You have more chance dying from the vaccine

Anon Imperfect Mum

What about the long term effects of Covid? I will never understand how people that are so scared of long term possibilities of a jab (that we do know how it works on our body) can completely ignore real long term implications of getting covid, when we do know about and it’s not good but we really don’t know yet how bad it could be.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I agree with you even though I am fully vaxxed against covid. Children do not need to be vaccinated against this. Myocarditis in children is more frightening than losing their sense of smell from covid. I just think it's pointless.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Losing their sense of smell is not the worst scenario, you definitely need to check your info.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The long term effects of covid? A virus! Do you have any long term side effects from the flu? Or any other cold you have had, highly unlikely! This is a man made poison that people are putting into their bodies. Why dont you just go and catch covid and stop listening to the crap they are telling you on your t.v! Then you will have natural immunity and not have to put that fake crap into your body! Children are dying after having this vaccine!

Anon Imperfect Mum

There is a lot of wrong information in those few lines. Apart from all the lack of understanding of science or immunity, the one fact I need to correct is that zero children have died from the vaccine. Sadly, and it’s not common but it has happened, children have died from Covid.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There are kids that have died from the vaccine 😔

Anon Imperfect Mum

No, out of the 7 million and more done so far, there is not.

Anon Imperfect Mum

How amazing that your own families story supported your agenda, what are the chances? I'm sure you have very similar stories about friends, family, work collegues. Do you honestly think anyone would listen to your bs story? If you're anti vax, fine, put your ideas forward, but your ridiculous story just makes you lose credibility and exposes you for the liar you are.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Allison Coleman a 7 year old girl from Australia died a few hours after getting the Pfizer vaccine. Plenty of kids have died from the vaccine, the government just aren’t showing the deaths.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh goodness and there we are back to the first point, you can’t argue with stupid. There is no conspiracy and you can fact check yourself any time instead of posting nonsense and looking ridiculous.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Allison Coleman...Jesus Christ, you take medical advice from an unsourced Facebook meme where people have investigated and proven it’s false. If you’re anti vax, that’s fine, but if you’re just plain dumb, like real low IQ and make decisions based on lies, I feel very sorry for your kids. I’m sure you’ll make many parenting mistakes. Educated scientist versus you, wow, who should we believe?

Anon Imperfect Mum

No a 7 year old didn’t die at all. The father set it up as a hoax. So stupid spreading crap. That father is scum to use his daughter for his anti vax stance.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Did not. My family member is a Dr and they are alerted in cases like this. No child has died from the vaccination in Australia. Stop creating fear clown.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why would you vaccinate your children for a virus that has a 99% survival rate for children? There would be more risk with the vaccine than covid itself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There is NOT more risk. Vaccine offers benefit and has lower risk than catching Covid, that’s why.
Do you want to take the chance that your kids will be in the 99%? Ok, I can understand that, just make sure you know your facts don’t get caught up in this throwaway line that it’s easier than a cold, it’s not for everyone.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's 100%

Anon Imperfect Mum

99% survival rate means about 5 kids from each primary school around here wont make it, so I do hope it’s higher than that!

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s not 99% survival rate per school, it’s 99% survival rate world wide!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I can swear to you if you do it, there will be no marriage to save. My partner and I have agreed not to jab our kids because studies have shown kids handle it so much better than anyone else, there’s more and more instances of heart related problems due to the jab and it’s still in its trial stages. This is an experiment, they don’t even know long term effects or if it affects fertility. It’s a risk we simply are not willing to take. If you go behind his back I’m sorry but he will never forgive you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hasn't affected my 30yo daughters fertility or anyone else's that are in her friend group. So there, that part has just been answered for you . It doesn't affect fertility.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don’t bother, they make it up as they go along.
In no other field does the average jo blow claim to know more than people with degrees, experience and education.
It’s called stupidity and arrogance.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just go and get it done and enjoy your new life without him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pack his bags then and help him leave home. How childish of him. In other words do as I say, you have no say or I leave my family 🙄 just got get their vax and make life easier for you self once he’s moved out baha he won’t go anywhere. It’s just a threat, so you do as he says!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m fully vaccinated, some of my kids have had 1, most of the others none. My ex is unvaccinated. We all got covid. I was by far the sickest and still struggling over a month later with a cough, tiredness and racing heart like anxiety (but without the anxiety). Everyone else is fine, recovered with 48hrs and no longer term effects. From my own experience those with no vaccinations all did way better than everyone else.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The vaccinated catch it easier. The unvaccinated catch it less easily but when they do, they get sicker . Thats what the latest scientific health advice based on Omicron have stated in the 'majority' of ppl. There will be a minority in anything .

Anon Imperfect Mum

Shhhh....Don’t let the facts get in the way of this one woman’s “story”. 😂

Anon Imperfect Mum

As I said I’m only talking about my experience, in my home 🤷🏻‍♀️ I got a positive test of the 2nd, my ex got sick after me on the 6th (not vaccinated like I said), then by the 8th the kids were all sick and tested positive, 2 kids with 1 vaccinations (16,14) and other 3 kids no vaccinations - all under 8.

I had temps, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough and felt completely blah, my ex said he just felt tired and had hot sweats and sore muscles, my daughter 16 had vomiting and headaches no temps which last 2 days, my son had high temps for 3 days and a sore head, and the other kids under 8 all had slight temps for 48hrs and nothing else. I’ve still had issues of being tried, rundown, racing heart and cough over a month later 🤷🏻‍♀️ Everyone else has been ok.

Sorry my ‘story’ doesn’t meet whatever the standard is these days for having covid 😂

Anon Imperfect Mum

Well in my daughter's aunts case it's her who is unvaccinated and her husband is double vaccinated and they got covid and she was way sicker than her husband
