We don't want to lose our son

Anon Imperfect Mum

We don't want to lose our son

So this is going to be long, but please bare with me. I just can't shake the feeling this is an unhealthy situation for my son to be in and will not end well.

I'm a mother of a 16 year old boy. Normally I would say he is a sweet natured boy with a heart of gold. He's quiet, shy and a people pleaser. But lately, there is not much of that boy showing. He met a girl online 4 or 5 months ago. He had not long turned 16 and she was 18. My husband and I found out that this girl was also flirting and speaking in a sexual manner with our 14 year old son. So we enforced a complete ban on both of our boys speaking with her and she was also told to stay away. We felt this was enough, because she lives in a different state to us.

She was blocked on all devices, we even got rid of the PlayStation and now only have an Xbox, in our bedroom. Our 16 year old was dirty on us for about a week, as we continued to explain our reasonings to him. We explained why it was wrong and her speaking with his younger brother was not only wrong, but illegal. He seemed to understand and let it go. Like most 16 year olds, he began spending alot of time in his room and not spending time with any of his family. We let that slide, because he's a teenager and we thought he was still pissed at us.. he thought he was in love with this girl. He has referred to her as "his everything" & "his life". Fast forward to now, we thought everything was going better, he had met a new girl and seemed to be happy.

In the past few weeks we have discovered that this girl is also not a good influence. Our son has started to masturbate, which again is normal for a boy his age. But where it becomes unhealthy is she is on the phone or facetiming with him and telling him to choke himself and not let go until she says. They have also been talking about cutting for sexual pleasure, which she has found a "safe class" that give instructions. I started to suspect this was the same girl we asked him to cut contact with. He showed me a photo of her to try and prove it was a different girl, she looked similar, but with shorter hair. I put it down to him "having a type". Last night that was confirmed when I came across Reddit posts my son has made and I searched his phone. She has given him a sob story of being sexually abused by every guy she has been with, her parents are abusive etc and he is her saviour. She tells him she needs him to call her and wake her to take her medication, she needs him to stay on the phone, even though she is asleep and call her whenever she asks, because otherwise she will kill herself. He has apparently talked her down from suicide at least once. Secretive is best because his parents don't need to know, he's 16 and legal so it's none of our business.

He's talking of getting a job and when he is 18 leaving "this shithole" and never coming back. Regardless of what we say, he sticks with this girl. Thursday night I found this original girls tiktok and now know for sure it's the same girl he is still talking to. I gave him the opportunity to be honest with me and he still claims this is a different girl.

So far they have been talking and participating in SnM, bondage, cutting, video call self pleasuring on the other person's say, they refer to each other as sub, master, etc. She has told him she wants more than one guy, his reaction to me telling him exactly what that means had him almost vomiting, yet he agrees with anything and everything that she says.

On Friday he started sending me abusive messages whilst I was out and demanding I tell him what I knew, I tried to get him to wait until we got home, so we could have a proper discussion about it all. He refused and started throwing insults.

When I arrived home he was straight up in my face, verbally abusing me and demanding to leave. My husband and I told him he could go, but wasn't to take anything that we purchased with him, including his phone. He became angry when I tried to grab it and he grabbed me and threw me on his bed. I then kept my distance from him. He ended up leaving and leaving his phone on the kitchen bench. He was missing for about 4 hours, when he found a stranger and got her to call my cousin. He is now staying with my cousin. Today is Tuesday and even though we have shown him messages from this girl saying he can't go to her place and she doesn't want a relationship with him, he is still adamant that he wants to leave us to be with her. She has said that she is almost 19 and he is only 16 and that's gross. We allowed him to message her from my phone, where she then told him that she loved him and missed him, sucking him right back in. If we cut the contact, he will likely run again. But allowing him to have contact with her, when she has already been inappropriate with our younger son, is not an option.
We have since found out that this girl has an onlyfans site and is highly sexually motivated. Our son had also downloaded an app to remotely control her vibrator, along with having multiple emails and encrypting his phone so that with the password he shared with us, certain things would be hiden.

We feel she has groomed our son for her own gratification. We feel this is an extremely unhealthy relationship. He's our eldest son and we are so lost as to what we should do.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Dating & Sex, Puberty

25 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why did you let him message her again.? This girl sounds sick and twisted! She will have your son on drugs next. Why didn’t you have him charged when he threw you on your bed? You need to get tough on him and get who ever is he staying with now to talk to him. Feel so sad for you. How sickening as a parent to go through this.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi, firstly thank you for taking the time to read all of this. The only reason I allowed him to message her, is because he was worked up in such an emotional state, he was physically sick with worry that she would harm herself. I wanted to prove to him that she was not even worried about him and she had no plans to hurt herself. And I chose not to have him charged, because he is only 16 and I don't want to ruin his life with a DV charge, that would stay on his record. He is not actually a violent person, he's usually the sweetest kid. But in his desperation to stop me cutting her out... It's that desperation that really scares me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This must so awful for you. She is clearly messed up and now messing him up. Can you set him up with a nice girl. Find anyone to! Anything to get him away from her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

"Allowed him to message her" - he's of legal age! There's only 2yrs difference between them. 🤦‍♀️

Of course he was worked up! You invaded his privacy and are trying to control his relationship!

"Ruin his life with a DV charge" are you kidding me?! YOU Prevoked HIM! You Invaded HIS Space!

"in his desperation to stop me cutting her out... It's that desperation that really scares me." - no, you are scared of not being able to control him anymore! You think you are losing him and I think this is why your unhealthy need to control his relationships. I think it's YOU who needs help!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ok, so your suggestion is? Not have any say as to what happens in our home? Around our other children who are younger? If I throw my hands up and do nothing, he will literally sit in his room all day and night face timing her. And then you'd still be saying I'm a horrible mother. Don't get me wrong, I never minded them talking, what both his father and I found concerning was the intense sexual nature and due to our sons inexperience and also the concern of if she was genuinely 18, also what she was seeing while face timing him and if she was recording it. When he is an adult, if he chooses to be interested in any of this, hopefully he will also have the mental capacity to understand it and be safe. I have absolutely nothing against adults who chose any of these sexual kicks, but he is barely 16. Prior to trying to confiscate his phone, that I purchased (which was also recommended by the police), my husband and I also spoke to him and researched cutting, s&m etc and explained about safe words and safety. The reason we have responded this way is because we had been in close contact with our gp and spoken to the police.

Anon Imperfect Mum

How old are you? Are you a parent? Or are you the son/girlfriend?

This is NOT normal behaviour. 16 is still a child, she has already let this go on further then any caring, decent parent would be happy to, she has only tried to protect her son. This is grooming and severe manipulation. Mumma if you read this horrible comment, keep scrolling, it has 0 worth, the only thing you need help with is how to get rid of this ‘girlfriend’.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Has he even met her? She prob isn’t a real person? Or is a prostitute.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. No he hasn't met her in person, but he has video chatted with her. She is definitely on her way to being a prostitute with her having an onlyfans site. I have researched her extensively and found her on Instagram, tiktok, FB etc... Unfortunately she is a real person.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to explain to him that he isn’t special to her. She is destroying him and isn’t worth it. Can you take him to a psychologist. Honestly in reality she doesn’t want him and hopefully nothing will eventuate anyway. She is sick! she wouldn’t want him, he wouldn’t be bringing her the money in and she can make a ton of money off of creeps. She has targeted your son for a reason. Hope she isn’t setting him up just for content and to harm himself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would be careful that she isn’t using him for content.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is exactly what I'm worried about.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you still have any messages she was sending to the 14 year old?
Involve the Police, let them track the filthy bitch down.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sadly no. We have spoken to the police about it, they didn't seem the slightest bit interested and simply told us to confiscate electronic devices and ban contact. We even have her address and given the nature of all of this were hoping they could at least warn her to stay away. But no, nothing.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Then ACA. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Could Bravehearts help? May be having a chat to police because this is not ok and not normal. We have a 17yo and whilst girlfriends etc are part of life, this is more than that. This is wrong on every level.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Exactly right. I'm concerned she is after content for her onlyfans site and has been recording their face time chats. Even more so because she has post video's of ex boyfriends on her tiktok where she was face timing on her laptop and filming it from her phone. In my mind it's not much of a stretch to think she could film my son too. I unfortunately their facetime chats have not been PG rated, but they would be perfect for onlyfans.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is she even real? Is he sending her money? Find out as many details as you can on this person. She may be filming him and using it online.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He definitely isn't sending her money, he has none. He's still homeschooled, doing grade 11. He has been wanting a job, but has so far found it difficult to get one. I'm not planning on helping him anymore. I have found her on most social media platforms. As yet there has been no mention of her even knowing my son. But if it continues I know there will be because she has post PG videos of her ex boyfriends.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You really need to go to the police with all of this you need to show him that there are consequences for his actions and also get them involved with this girl it’s not ok for any of this to be happening your son is 16 handling adult problems that no 16 should be worried about

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would have made a police report as soon as she made contact with your 14yo.

I would be letting this woman know to stay away from your children, and that you've made a police report. Then go and find everything in your sons room that has her contact details.
Reset his phone to factory settings, or even better go and buy him one that doesn't have internet access.

In the long run he'll thank you. Might be a few hard months, but you'd rather that than the sexual abuse he is currently being exposed to from this stranger

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is he sending her money or anything for all of this? is that her motivation to get paid? She is a sicko.
Bloody hell i feel for you, i unfortunately don't have anything to help, but i feel so horrible that you are going through this , my mouth hit the ground reading everything that she had done to manipulate his mind. I really hope there is a way to get her out of your sons life, not sure what the is but i wish you the best of luck. She sounds evil

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wow! Some of these comments. 🙄

Cut the umbilical cord because you are strangling your son.

He is of legal age. How invasive to have you going through his phone, his privacy & his relationship.

So what he likes bondage, S&M - MANY people do and we shouldn't judge others, definitely not our children for their likes. His Body, His Choice!! Why do you even know or want to know about your sons sex life? I find it weird you know all these things without even talking to your son & having that kind of openness with your son, where he would have spoken to you about it himself.

And you judging her on making money, just because she uses only fans, AGAIN none of your business. Just wow.

I don't get it. Why do you feel the need to CONTROL him, who he talks to and his every move. You are going the pathway of NEVER seeing your son again.

He's old enough to do what he's comfortable with, which he's told you MANY TIMES from the sounds of it that he really likes this girl and she's never forced him to do anything. He's WANTING the relationship you are trying to control. He facetimes her, he knows her, theres no guessing game here who she is, it's not your place to get involved in his relationship.

YOUR Behaviour is invasive, controlling & bordering abusive to your son. Very Unhealthy.

I don't blame him for leaving!

You are suppose to walk beside your children, not be his dictator!

Anon Imperfect Mum

This internet stranger was also speaking to her younger 14yo son. I'd say the mother has every right to be a dictator in that instance.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your son is not a "boy" anymore. He is a young man. You need to change your language around that and start engaging him in that manner rather than treating him like a child.

I think you need to start repairing your broken relationship with your son.
The more you try to control him, the more you push him away and into her arms.

He is 16 and it is normal to start having sexual desires and relationships at that age. Respect his privacy and start talking to him about health relationships, healthy choices.

Start modeling healthy respectful boundaries and relationships.

Start spending quality time with your sons doing activities they like doing.

When he makes a good life choice make sure you praise him for it.

At the moment you are trying to change him through punishment, not reward.

Good luck. xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh my god, how do you know all this sexual stuff about your own son?
No wonder he had a mini breakdown that was completely out of character.
You have completely breached his trust and stomped all over his personal boundaries.
He’s 16, you guide, not control, because you will just push him further away.
What youre doing is creating a bigger divide, time to come back to the table and completely change your approach.
