Dating & Sex

Dating & Sex

Dating & Sex Questions

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Wanting some advice (please be nice) We (hubby of 16years) have a 16yo only child son. At 16 this year we relaxed some of his restrictions on the internet and he's got onto snapchat. He's connected with a girl who used to go to his school and apparently started chatting and then more. He's started...
Hi everyone. Hoping for some insight from mums who’ve experienced this. My 15 year old son has been with his girlfriend for about 8 months. He has started asking if she can sleep over. So far I have said no, but I am really in two minds. I know that they will be experimenting together, I am not...
**not for Facebook** Hoping to get actual helpful comments on this. My teenage son has been charged with indecent assualt. He was at a shopping centre and squeezed a girl on the bum while walking past (she made a complaint and it was caught on camera). He has to attend court. Son is a young teen...

Dating & Sex Blog Posts

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About Author: JB is the volunteer co-coordinator, and a regular writer, for Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia. She is a stay-at-home mum with 6 children aged between the ages of 7 months and 20 years and is currently working toward a BA Literature / Sociology, and a diploma in counselling. Child sexual abuse is a topic nobody wants to talk about. Not only is it an uncomfortable subject, but...
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