So here goes, I sadly had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago. It was very traumatic and I highly praise those amazingly strong women who go through multiple. 2 weeks ago I got what I thought was my period it was very light but and mostly spotting, it went for 4 days like this. So this week I have been spotting really lightly for the past 4 days.
My question is, is it normal to have really random speratic bleeding after a miscarriage? My period type bleeding was due when my period was roughly but I don't no why I'm bleeding again.
1 Replies
i had a miscarriage at 13 weeks in 2012. i had spontaneous bleeding (would literally standing up and get this excruciating pain and i would squirt blood everywhere then have to stand in the shower for half an hour while blood and uterine lining gushed out of me). i had no warning it happened for months. would get my period as normal but the 3 weeks in between i would have "episodes" the only thing that stopped it was going on the pill. i had several internal ultrasounds there was nothing left behind after my miscarriage it was just my hormones out of wack. speak to your gp.