Loss of a Child (My Story)

Loss of a Child (My Story)

Loss of a Child (My Story) Questions

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Anon Imperfect Mum
I have 2 lovely kids, boy aged 12 and girl aged 7. When my son was 3 I lost a baby girl 20 weeks into the pregnancy. It was an absolute terrible, harrowing time. Fast forward to now and my curious daughter found the memory box for this little girl. I was not ready for this, and burst into tears at...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Good morning. May you please post this for me? I would be forever grateful 🙏 Hello fellow IM's. A bit of a back story: It is with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart that I type this. I lost my business due to Covid. I was a birth worker, and disability carer. After the suicide of my best friend,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Trigger warning Pregnancy loss I had a termination at 11+3 weeks. I tried for this baby. I loved this baby. It was a very rough pregnancy due to endometriosis. My partner then became abusive. I also found out later on after the termination that he was living a double life with another women, trying...

Loss of a Child (My Story) Blog Posts

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My heart skipped a beat. My throat contracted. The fluid left my mouth, and all I could taste was metal. Why? – I hear you say. I realised it was nearing the end of July, we were heading into August. August brings with it a lot of pain. – For me. It’s a month I would rather skip. That way I don’t have to feel the pain. The pain knowing that I will never celebrate your birthday with you . Knowing...
The image above is quite a confronting image for me as it looks exactly like my son’s feet. This is not a photo of him, I have lots of photo’s, I do wish I had one like this though. Don’t say NOTHING - Please don’t pretend it has happened and say nothing.. Just say - ”I’m sorry for your loss” or ”I’m here if you” Don’t say - ”It’s better that way” or “It’s natures way” or refer to the baby as an...
From the moment our kids were born we have spoken about their big brother in heaven. It was very important to my husband and I that Titan’s memory lived on and that Maya and Tex knew as much as they possibly could about their big brother. At various ages we covered his death and funeral and tried the best we could to answer question they may have. We were driving along the other day and Maya...
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