Teenage daughter threatened in class

Anon Imperfect Mum

Teenage daughter threatened in class

Where do I start...
My teenage daughter was in class when another male teenager sat next to her in class at the back of the classroom where she was doing an assignment . He asked if he can "F&*% her" she said "no" he continued to ask her she kept replying "no"
He then turned to her and said " I will rape you then"
She said "no you will not"
Teacher did not hear this and possibly two other students have heard the conversation!
She has not been at school since the incident so I can not find out.
When school questioned and got statements from children they commented that all statements all match stories so I am assuming he has admitted this and the witnesses statements match.
School has suspended him until term two.
What I have done... I have been to child safety who won't look into it further as he is a boarding school who attends our school and not in parent custody and the police have given him a warning! I can't not get a restraining order as it is a minor verses a minor!
I have asked to have a meeting with the principal but have not heard anything! When I spoke to a school representative today they are having trouble changing her classes.
This is the only high school within the area and we could not possible afford boarding school.
Home schooling is an option for us but really why should my daughter leave!
We have no put my daughter in counselling as she has been sleeping in our room and wanting the light on.
Really need advice on what to do! No negative feedback please

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Dating & Sex

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

First keep trying to get hold of the principal. Unfortunately even shitty kids have a right to an education. Term 2 is not long away so I really don't think that's long enough and id be at the very least, demanding more supervision for the boy at school.
I'd be kicking up a stink with the education department directly.,

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd double check with the police about the order as we have had students (Vic) who one has had an order out on an ex boyfriend. They still were in one class together so I'm not sure it would change her having to see him necessarily but there was definitely an order in place.

Kelly De Vries

Kelly here, from The Imperfect Mum team.

Big hugs - how is your daughter doing? Does she have a good support friends network around her? 

First thing that came to mind for me were some self defence strategies. I know - you shouldn't have to - but I would still want to if such a thing was ever said to my daughter. Pepper spray etc. Maybe even some physical classes. 

I'm so sorry this has happened to you both. Hopefully it's just an empty threat and no one would be victim to him. Makes me feel sick. 


(PS - Your question has been scheduled and will go up on Saturday - but I just felt to say something now... ) 

Anon Imperfect Mum

Push the school hard. And follow up a restraining order. Too often it's the person who is attacked/victimised/threatened who has to adjust their attendance at school. I'm sure the school will be trying to keep the matter hush hush. Don't be fobbed off. Keep fighting!

Oh and get counselling for your daughter outside of the school

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments and support each one has been read and appreciated very much. It has been hard but we are standing tall with each other hand in hand!
Questions asked, here are some answers..
We are in QLD!
We live remotely in a medium size community, our only high school for approx 1800km away.
I have been to child safety and held a meeting with them as I found out they have paid for his boarding but the case won't be lodged and nothing they can do.
I did pre warn them if he does anything to my daughter or any other student I will be taking legal action towards them as they are are his legal guardian whilst he is at the campus.
I still haven't met with the Principal but drafting an email on his lack of support and communication in helping his families etc.
Currently the school is drafting a strict plan for the teenage boy to ensure he is escorted during classes to toilets etc, he has a map on parts of the school he can go which my daughter selected parts of the school she would like to go and he gets the remainder for during lunch breaks.
My daughter is seeing counselling on an outside counsellor as we are a small town hence everyone knows everyone!
We kept our daughter back a few years ago so she is moving up to the next grade a bit in fair but she does not get to see him at all and she is with other peers her own age which she is happy with!
I have spoken to education dept. they expressed that a plan has to be put in place and they were contacting the principal on the matter to discuss a strict plan to be placed.
I contacted the minister of education Queensland but awaiting a reply via email! Wish I had her direct email?
I have arranged for someone to teach her private lessons in self defence if someone attacks her!
Also buying a personal alarm which she pulls the ring and a siren which is ear piercing sound will sound off its kinda cute looking so no one will know.
We still have to term two to decide if she will attend the grade above her or home school her!
We are letting her decide what she would like to do but with a heavy heart and support of 100% but as parents it is hard to put the trust in the school when our outcome is always getting backed into a corner!
The police told us he had been moved from community to another community via plane she started sleeping still with a light but sleeping which is great!
Will keep in touch and let everyone know what has happened once we have a positive outcome!
Thank you kindly from the bottom of our hearts❤

Anon Imperfect Mum

A similar incident happened between students in my class (but not in my classroom).
Unfortunately, the other student has a 'right' to an education and is still attending school.
I'm disgusted that the principal wasn't in contact with you as soon as the incident occurred. Please believe that teachers at the school will have your daughter's best interests at heart. I certainly do with the student from my class.
I know as a parent I would be as fierce and as protective as you are here. Keep fighting.
