Hi ladies,
I don’t think I have a question as such. Just need to vent. I became extremely unwell some time ago and am lucky to be here and living. I lost my unborn at 12 weeks during this time.
We went for another round of IVF (a few rounds) in recent times and became pregnant but I’m now miscarrying again.
I won’t go into detail as I could write a book but my journey has been horrendous (there is so much more to it) and I’m completely losing hope. Not only am I mourning the loss of my pregnancies and what could have been, the fact that my body can’t and won’t do what’s natural to a woman, it’s the loss of who I once was before I became ill.
After 3 years (I’m aware that some women have been ttc for much longer and also have absolutely heartbreaking stories) but I really am at my wittsend.
We have looked into adoption, foster care, surrogacy and it all seems out of reach.
I guess I’m just asking for some support and a miracle.
I feel so sad and numb.
Thank you for reading.
2 Replies
I'm sorry for your loss
Maybe try joining a support group on a weekly basis
It may help to talk to others that have been and are going through similar
We miscarried last year it's heartbreaking
Through DICSI
Talk to your Gp on groups
I wish you all the best
Please don't give up hope! I know so many people will tell you this but you need to believe you can. I have 'thin' PCOS and told I would struggle to conceive (if ever). I had 6 rounds of clomid and resulted in a 2 pregnancies and miscarriages. We then had 3 rounds of IVF which resulted in an ectopic and almost lost my life. After a break we decided to undergo one last round of IVF before we would give up and unbeknown when we went to start the process I was already pregnant naturally. The gynaecologist was in shock as he didn't think we would ever conceive. We have our miracle rainbow baby who is almost 6 months.
Please seek support. I was at breaking point as emotionally I couldn't take much more.