Concede defeat :(

Anon Imperfect Mum

Concede defeat :(

2 years and 9 days ago my families world was turned upside down, ripped apart absolutely shattered. One of kids was a back seat passenger in a car accident. Resulting in him having a Traumatic Brain Injury. He is now non verbal, does not understand language, can not read or write (global aphasia) plus a whole new personality, bahaviour issues.
That night my son died and a new one come home. I left my job to care for him and lived bedside in a hospital for 3 months.
Life is TOUGH!
He is aggressive, violent, unpredictable and very hard to manage.
We attempted a small family weekend away just this weekend and we lasted one day before he lost it and we had to leave.
Everything we do has to revolve around him and if he will lose it or not.
His medicated and it helps, but it’s not 100% unfortunately where he is now will prob be the best it will get. There is no magic pill.
I did the court case this year for the person who caused the accident he was sentenced to 2 years non parole of 14 months, he of caused appealed it and appeals judge said his first sentence was to harsh and released him that day - his sentence was to harsh!!!!!
This person has NEVER reached out, nor apologised to date!
I see a physchogist and my son gets lots of therpy.
Please no comments about being lucky his alive - we are well aware of how lucky we are and yes we are grateful.

Life is so hard like being in a domestic violent relationship with your own kid.

He was so kind, funny and just a really happy kid before (not perfect or innocent)

By the way he was a teen at the time of the accident.

I am struggling so bad inside.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Loss & Grief, Loss of a Child (My Story), Parenthood Guilt

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My heart breaks for you x

I remember you writing in before and I think of you, this could happen to any one of us. I can't imagine what you're going through.

The "justice" system is a joke. It continually fails the victims left behind. Not only has your sons life been ruined but your entire families life has been changed forever and yet 14 months was a harsh sentence? What a slap in the face to your family.

Use any help that is available to you. If you get to the point where you really can't do it anymore don't be scared to tell someone and consider putting him in a home in the future. My BIL is in a nursing home as he also needs 24/7 care due to a brain injury and it just got too much for his parents.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m so very sorry xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have no words, I can’t begin to imagine how tough/difficult your life is.
Is there a care facility he could go to a couple of nights a week to give you and the family some downtime/respite?
I know that sounds insensitive, but you need some me time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you need to look into respite care. You and the rest of your family need time away from the stress of caring for someone with such a severe disability. It will be hard, but think of the benefits for you, your partner, your other children, and your son. You sound so burnt out that something has to give.
