child accessing explicit material and more

Anon Imperfect Mum

child accessing explicit material and more

Hi all,

I apologise in advance if anyone finds this question confronting.

My 11- nearly 12 year old, son has been accessing explicit material online, it has happened a number of times and we have had a number of conversations about it after we have found out. We have told him that what he finds online is not what happens in real life and discussed that while its normal to be curious he is too young for what he is watching and to leave it alone.
The last two times we have caught him watching or looking at things- some of the stuff has been, well, gross like with animals involved and I'm concerned about it. I've contacted a local psychologist specialising in child psychology and I'm waiting to hear back from them regarding an appointment.
Am I overreacting? Has anyone gone through something similar and how did you deal with it?
Just to add my son has shown signs of puberty and has previously been diagnosed with ADHD and ASD.
Thanks in advance.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Dating & Sex, Puberty, Aspergers & Autism

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can you not put controls on the internet searches?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Definitely not over reacting. I'm actually so glad to hear you're seeking professional help for this. That's a very proactive approach!
I assume he also has a pediatrician? It probably wouldn't hurt to bring it up with them as well.

Personally, I'd wait and see what advice the experts have before you do anything in terms of combating the root of the issues here but i would limit his internet usage right down to the absolute bare minimum and not at all unsupervised, at least for the time being. I'd also be looking into internet filters and porn blocking apps, that give you guys some control over things while he's at home and it will also prevent him from stumbling upon thing that are more disturbing than animal porn.

Best of luck with it all x

Anon Imperfect Mum

Psychologist and cut the internet or Atleast take his access away or put controls on it. I would be horrified if my 12 year old did this. I’d hate for him to see any of that but you have done the right thing getting him into a psychologist, stick with the psychologist, it will help him so much with everything in life.
