Blog Posts

This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. I have a question regarding removing my children’s father’s name from their birth certificate. Long story short, I escaped a very violent, manipulative and controlling relationship and the children haven’t seen him for almost 3 years. I feared for their safety. I am considering a few ways to...
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. A bit of a hard question to put into words. Lately I’m feeling like i’m now just “his wife” and “her mother” – I’m feeling like I’ve lost who I used to be. I used to be a fairly social independant woman and now I feel as though I have somehow been robbed of my independance. I have an 8 month old...
Legal Questions: This also includes advice on how to get custody, how to get Child support Payments, How to change Surnames of children etc. These type questions would best be answered by a lawyer / Solicitor.For legal questions, try here! Medical Questions: If you have a health concern please make an appointment with your doctor. We don't mind if you ask for comforting advice (after you've seen...
This is a FAQ directory. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. Feel like I’ve lost myself in being a mum Breastfeeding in public – is it appropriate? Can I remove the father from the Birth Certificate? Circumsision Child keeps swearing What are your opinions on vaccinations? Toilet training going backwards Wanting to work from home What to do with a 1...
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. I am just curious – is it inappropriate to sit on a chair outside a shop or in a park /restaurant etc and feed bubs? I generally go to the bathroom and latch him then cover up and walk back to my seat. He is only 2 weeks old so im new to feeding but feels like ppl are staring (mostly looking...
Sometimes we mums are our own worst enemy… I’m beating myself up at the moment, without any help from anyone else! (So talented right?) *rolls eyes* I was catching up with a couple of beautiful mums this morning – we had a bunch of kids between us all who were happily playing in the playground while we spoke. One of the children came up to her mum, with the usual “I’m hungry” complaint, and the...
There has been many discussions on I.M about beauty, women feeling like they are not beautiful. Women feeling like they’re not enough. And, this worries me. So, what makes you beautiful? Aesthetically you may rate as as 4 or a 10? Who knows? And yes I would be lying if I said that aesthetics don’t come into play. They do. However, I have seen really aesthetically pleasing people that are just not...
I want to share a story with you all. One, that I would like you to ponder and think on a deeper level about. You may have seen yesterday that there was a question posted about prostitution. The questioner was in a desperate situation where she was 3 weeks behind in rent and the prospect of being kicked out on the street was very real. She had two school aged children and a part time job however...
During my early school years I was labelled dumb by my teacher. “You’ll never amount to anything” “I just don’t understand how you don’t get it” “You just don’t focus” I was expelled from two different schools, because I ended up so bored I took on the roles of “the class clown” and ”the naughty kid” . I was ‘that’ kid. The kid that was spoken about in the staff-rooms. I ended up believing I was...
My heart skipped a beat. My throat contracted. The fluid left my mouth, and all I could taste was metal. Why? – I hear you say. I realised it was nearing the end of July, we were heading into August. August brings with it a lot of pain. – For me. It’s a month I would rather skip. That way I don’t have to feel the pain. The pain knowing that I will never celebrate your birthday with you . Knowing...