Team - by Kelly DeVries

I feel a tad guilty in writing on this subject instead of sharing about Israel – but the truth is I couldn’t have done Israel if it were not for this subject!

Israel has taught me SO much about myself though – one of those being is that it is ok to blog! For so long, I’ve had a fear of wasting your time.

But perhaps, if I have something valuable to offer and you walk away from reading this making better choices – then that’s ok right?

So today – I’m writing about my team.

<div class="field-field_file_image_alt_text-wrapper">Our new whiteboard with &#039;Team DeVries&#039; across the top</div> 

While I was away for 2.5weeks – my husband took on both our roles and took care of the house and 4 kids. I like what he said before I left: “Don’t expect too much – survival is my goal” and I’m happy to say that he and the kids all lived through me being away! Yeay!

I like that it took a village to fill my SAHM position – and a big thanks to those who dropped off meals / picked up kids / gave financially / took photos of my children while I was away etc.


But as I meditate on the big “Team DeVries” that hubby has written on the (new!) whiteboard in the hallway – I’m just thankful of this team attitude that we trying to install in our kids.

To look out for others – and not just yourself.


A couple of years ago, we learnt the value of fighting problems instead of fighting each other.

Yes we still fight – but we check ourselves to make sure we are attacking what is wrong, instead of each other. We stand together against the issue at hand.

With the kids, the problem is usually an inner feeling of being disrespected or mistreated. The fighting or yelling is usually a symptom of that.

A lot of talking and digging into feelings goes on in this house. It is time consuming – but it’s worth it as the kids are growing older and our team attitude is getting stronger.


I love capturing sneaky team moments when they work well together!

My husband is amazing. A few people told me how ‘lucky’ I am that he let me go away for so long. And it’s true – I am thankful.


But he also knows the benefits he can see in me when the one teammate takes the ropes for a while and lets the other spread their wings. I’ve done the same for him – and he has grown through the experiences.

He gives me time while I write blogs or work on The Imperfect Mum – and he understands I’m not ‘just mum’ and need to invest in other areas.

Last night he got time watch some game on tv. It works both ways.


Wrapping up – I am SO proud to be a part of Team DeVries.

We’re not perfect. We make mistakes often. We have highs and lows. We fall – and help each other up. But we are a team – and it’s nice to know someone has got my back.

I’ve made a little acronym of T.E.A.M to hopefully help you remember some of the points to help your family also.


Talk aloud about how much you love your team / family.

It may seem awkward at first – but speaking it helps direct your kids thoughts. Reminders placed around the house also helps.



Encourage one another. Build each other up.

Remember that investing into them is investing into your team. Praise the good.


Attack the problem – not the person.

In fights, take a step back and think about what the issue really is.


Make time.

Date nights are a GREAT time to talk out the tough stuff.

Taking kids out individualy gives them a non threatening time to talk and share what they’re thinking and feeling.

I know – there is so much to be done – but this is worth it.


Your turn!! I LOVE hearing from you! Does your family operate as a team? What tips can you give to encourage this? Do you have a solid friendship team that helps you? Or a work team? What are your thoughts on teams?

Tag a friend or family member that has been a fantastic team mate! Lets celebrate and thank these precious people! x

“ Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.”






About the Author

Kelly has been enjoying volunteering on The Imperfect Mum page for years now, scheduling questions and working behind the scenes with the forever growing inbox!

Posted in:  Kelly (IM2)

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

*applaudes* well said!!!!! Tackling the problem not the person SO WELL SAID THANKYOU!!!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I like this post! Thanks for the thinking!