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Saturday, 11 July 2020 - 08:32
Please help. Sleep. I cant do this much more. My 4 children are all in Primary school now and no matter what I do, they will stay up to midnight or later almost every! single! night! I've tried setting routines, I've tried wearing them out, but I'm so worn down as well that most nights the only...
Thursday, 9 July 2020 - 13:59
Hi Sisterhood, I just want some advice. I've noticed my Mr 4 has had a recent change in behaviour and I believe it is stemming from my husband working extremely long hours, always answering emails and taking calls out of hours, even on his days off and late at night. My son is as acting out, having...
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 11:58
Yesterday my child told someone he thinks his friend has taken their own life unknown to me my 11yr old has been chatting to others online via a few different apps yes I should have kept checking phone I'm not tech savvy and now I'm at lost of what to do it turned out is was just a prank but they...
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 11:51
I think my step son (4.5yo) has ADHD or somthing along those lines... hubby wont listen and refuses to take him to see someone because he believes ADHD is just "bad parenting" and "doesnt need some quack to put a lable on him" and im not exactly on speaking terms with the mother. He used to live...
Saturday, 20 June 2020 - 09:09
What are the steps My son is suffering a little anxiety with Covid Biting nails Repeating phrases (Never ever happened before the virus) Age 5 Yes I know to see my GP But who is the next stop 🛑 I wanna go to gp prepared
Wednesday, 17 June 2020 - 20:06
My 9 year old son has been diagnosed with adhd and anxiety. I have just started him on saterra today. The last couple of days, when he gets cranky he starts punching himself in the head quite hard and saying he hates himself and wishes he was dead. It’s really quite heart breaking to watch. I don’t...
Monday, 15 June 2020 - 16:11
My brother in law had a car accident about two months ago and didn’t have the money at the time for a new car seat for his kid. No problem I have a car seat I wasn’t using at the time and told he that he could borrow it for a few weeks till I needed it back after my child came back from their...
Monday, 15 June 2020 - 08:47
Has anyone else gotten rid of their home wifi? How did your children adapt? I’m thinking of getting rid of our unlimited home wifi. I have three boys, 17, 14 and 11. We don’t have TV here, as our antenna is broken and the landlord doesn’t want to pay to get it fixed. So, I got wifi so we could...
Thursday, 11 June 2020 - 15:53
I'm not sure what I want out of this but here goes, My eleven year old was staying at my parents place during the covid-19 lockdown from school as I did not have internet access here at home (I do now) she stay with them for three weeks. The Thursday before school was to restart I called my dad to...
Wednesday, 10 June 2020 - 14:35
Hi mums. I'm having an issue with my 3 year old son. You know how kids throw tantrums, and they may throw themselves down on the floor to cry they're physically "hurt" for attention? My son has been doing this, but he does a few different things to actually hurt himself! He'll lay on the ground and...