
Anon Imperfect Mum
Do you do anything special on the last day of school for your kids? Or the day after? Just to celebrate the kids achievements etc? What do you do? I haven’t done it before but want to this year.
Anon Imperfect Mum
Have you ever seriously sat and thought to yourself, how the hell did I get here? Whether it is a significant event that causes you to ask the question or just pondering in life... Like what the f*#K happened to get me to this point? I feel like I have wasted so much time and energy on people...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi , just looking for some advice please. For those that share care 50% with ex. How do you find this arrangement works? Is it unsettling to the kids? Does it work well? What works? What doesn’t work? We are talking about going 50/50 in costs for kids, putting it in writing and being done with it...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Ladies.... Mummas.... I just want to know if everyone elses's kids are getting slammed with colds and tummy bugs and more colds/coughs etc etc this year? What am I doing wrong!! Kids are 3, 8 and 10... family daycare, and primary school.... Send wine. And extra sick days.
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have an IVO against my ex, and he is currently on a good behaviour bond with several criminal charges pending. He has court ordered dinners with our 13 year old son once per week, and much to my dismay the court agreed to one night per fortnight for our son to stay over. Our 17 year old daughter...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have been separated 2 years and went through mediation for a parenting plan but didn’t get very far. I have now tried to apply for legal aid but the ex has not responded therefore my application was denied. Also denied proceeding to court as the issues were not “substantial” enough. There is...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have a 15 year old daughter who has a disability. She doesn’t have any friends… 😔. She goes to a special school and overwhelming there are more boys than girls. My daughter is high functioning and probably only 3/4 of her age group. And even then the catch ups we have had just don’t work out. I...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What did I do so wrong. My 21 year old daughter wants nothing to do with me. I know I wasn’t a perfect mum, I know I did things that I’m not proud of. I’ve apologised, I’ve asked her can we sit down with someone and talk about it all and sort it out. I miss her being in my life.
Anon Imperfect Mum
So my daughter is a picker of sores. She has always loved to pick at little sores and mozzie bites etc. we are in a place where the midges are attacking her. She has picked each one and now has an mrsa infection in them. I’ve tried so much to get her to stop, I’ve been googling and researching...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Here is the post Hoping to get other parents experiences. I have a daughter who is in grade 4. So 10 at the beginning of next year. She has ASD level 2 and at times level 3 (psychologist said as she is verbal she won’t meet criteria for 3 but does go mute at times), ADHD, pathological demand...