Blog Posts
Submitted by Anon Imperfect Mum on Mon, 15/07/2013 - 11:19.
This is an inspirational read, this story is written by a beautiful woman who wished to remain anonymous. She shares her story of being an abandoned young mum who suffers from depression. This young woman has been through so much, she is truly an inspiration. - Kristy I was 17 when I fell pregnant with my now 3yr old little girl. There are many reasons surrounding this occurring but the main one...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Wed, 03/07/2013 - 00:00.
Depression is something that will be with me forever. It may not be ‘active’ if you like, but it will be something that I will have to be mindful of. Just recently I found myself slipping back into depression , depression comes in the form of being ‘pushed down’ and a dark cloud comes over. It’s like it just appears out of t he blue. It’s very hard to see clearly and to lift the feeling of...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Thu, 21/03/2013 - 01:11.
Besides the practical changes in my life I allowed myself plenty of time to slowly cut out the antidepressants and made sure there were no external stresses in my life.
Submitted by Anon Imperfect Mum on Mon, 18/03/2013 - 02:28.
After reading a post a while ago on The Imperfect Mum fb page , alarm bells started ringing and the similarities between the behavioural problems described in the post of the 4yo boy eerily mirror what my son has/is going through, so I would like to share my family’s story. (By no means am I saying that this is the problem of that IM’s child, but I just want to emphasise why this kind of...
Submitted by Guest Poster on Wed, 06/02/2013 - 03:50.
RESEARCHED AND COMPILED BY Leigh Fraser-Gray B Social Work / Social Welfare, Dip H & CS, CERT IV WTA, VOC Post Grad FDR Social Welfare, Dip H & CS, CERT IV WTA, VOC Post Grad FDR *** Names, places and insignificant minor details changed to protect confidentiality *** Domestic Violence IS REAL. I have been carving out a career in the Social Services since 1992. I started with Direct Care (...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Fri, 23/11/2012 - 04:23.
Depression is very common. Over a million people in Australia live with depression and 160,000 young people live with depression each year. On average one in five females and one in eight makes will experience depression in their lifetime. Even though so many Australians suffer from this illness there are still many people that don’t understand what it is. Depressed (the word) is derived from a...
Submitted by Guest Poster on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 05:54.
Domestic Violence; is a relationship dynamic that’s essentially a POWER STRUGGLE where one party uses coercion & intimidation in various forms - physical, emotional, sexual - to ‘control’ or dominate the other party.
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Thu, 28/06/2012 - 03:39.
Since writing my article about not coping with life , I have tried to make things a little more ok, by doing things a little differently. I realised one of my BIGGEST issue’s was stress. I am still struggling with it today, but I’m working on some changes here they are . 1. Make your home a peaceful environment Having “stuff” everywhere is EXTREMLY overwhelming it clouds your mind which makes it...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Wed, 13/06/2012 - 04:36.
I will start with this quote (not sure of the author): Judging someone does not define the person they are. It defines the person you are. Judgement to me has always been an enemy – can’t stand it. But hey! saying that I am human, I am an animal, and animals categorize it’s apart of our makeup. We quickly need to work out who is friend and who is foe. So of course I will never stand here and say...
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Tue, 15/05/2012 - 06:38.
I have had this question going through my mind over and over and over. Should I share? Should I keep this to myself? I have many friends/colleagues/ business associates that read my blog so would it be silly of me to share such private information? I then went on question myself. Well is that being completely honest? Or is it half a truth? Is it half a story? I thought further, I delved deeper...
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