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Monday, 7 December 2020 - 08:56
My daughter is going into Year 12 next year (Victoria) and wants to go unscored. This means she doesn't do exams and doesn't get an ATAR (tertiary score to get into Uni). She says she wants to do year12, work for a year and travel. After 2 years she can apply to uni as a "mature age" student. She...
Friday, 4 December 2020 - 06:02
I am desperate to seek advice to support my almost 10yr old daughter, Last night whilst tucking her into bed,she began to open up to me about some worries she’s had. It started off with “A girl in my class can draw really well and I’m toxic because I got jealous because I want to be that good at...
Thursday, 26 November 2020 - 12:34
What age is a playstation good for for a child is 6 to young and for it to be in the child room, is it lazy parenting?
Monday, 23 November 2020 - 19:11
How do you tackle your elder preschooler when you have a newborn? Mother's guilt haunts me
Monday, 23 November 2020 - 15:57
Our son is 7 and his behaviour both at home and school is getting worse. He never listens, argues and complains constantly when asked to do something, back chats, and has recently started physically lashing out at his teachers. He has a younger sibling who he often hits or kicks when getting angry...
Saturday, 21 November 2020 - 18:09
Hi mums, I need some advice. I have a 14 year old daughter who I believe is developing an eating disorder. She has lost a lot of weight. At the dinner table she pushes her food around a lot and tries to leave without finishing. Her friend today confided in her mum that my daughter is throwing up...
Saturday, 21 November 2020 - 17:18
My son is having a birthday party. He invited lots of friends but doesn't want to invite my best friends son's. They used to be friends for about 4-5 years but grew apart. My son is only 11. I feel awful not saying anything because they have always been invited of his birthday party. He is adamant...
Saturday, 21 November 2020 - 14:11
I had a child in my marriage, also had 2 other children prior. Anyway it didn't end well and avo had to be placed. Child protection were involved as he was an unpredictable risk whilst on drugs and alcohol he is extraordinary violent at the best of times and has been on charges prior for hurting my...
Thursday, 19 November 2020 - 19:52
What do I do? I will give the shortest possible version to my the situation: for a little background to help u derstand as i honestly no longer know how to help my child. Sadly there are not many good schools around and they are all zoned unless private. ( i will not enter our public system for a...
Monday, 16 November 2020 - 21:55
Hi, please no bashing. I just don’t know what to do here. I’ve separated from my partner, we have 2 sons together. He has also raised my daughter since she was a baby, he is all she knows. I was worried he would cut contact with her, which he hasn’t, but something he has said and chosen to do is...