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Thursday, 7 January 2021 - 07:07
A child of ours and her ex partner wanted a cat each, which they got. They then split and our daughter chose to keep both cats, moving in with us. Fast forward 6 months, she now has a new boyfriend. Because he lives about one and a half hours away, she spends 2-3 nights per week at his house. Hubby...
Wednesday, 6 January 2021 - 22:04
Hi all Just wanting other parents advice on how much time there kids spend on video games- we are talking about a 10 year old boy here. I realise it’s school holidays right now, but he sees nothing wrong with staying up till 2am playing. Am I being over the top? All he wants to do is play, we’ve...
Tuesday, 5 January 2021 - 15:35
Hi mums, I’m seeking advise on how I feel about feeding my baby. I’m blessed to be able to breastfeed my baby (DD 10 weeks currently). I have 2 children that I fully breastfeed for 12 months as I didn’t work. Time is ticking for me to go back to work and it’s making me so anxious. I’ve never given...
Monday, 4 January 2021 - 20:29
Tonight I lost it and smacked my daughter. Not hard, and it’s the first time. I grew up in a physically and emotionally abusive household and swore to myself I would never let my children experience the same. My almost four year old daughter has me at my limits though. She’s violent. We are not...
Friday, 25 December 2020 - 16:33
I need advice I am a single mum of 5 3 to my ex husband who I have 50/50 woth and 2 to my ex I have 100% care of. . The little ones are 4. Due to DV their dad is exempt from child support . My ex husband is meant to pay monthly on the 21st of every month. Around the 15th of every month he calls to...
Friday, 18 December 2020 - 05:58
So long story short we had our son assessed by a psychologist resulting in highly likely adhd and mild-moderate autism. She strongly suggested to see a pediatrician a formal diagnosis and possible mediation. We are following her advice with her being a professional but I’ve told a couple people in...
Tuesday, 15 December 2020 - 15:33
What do I do.... I recently received a job offer which I am yet to formally accept. It is part time, with flexible hours. But it is doing something completely out of my league or field. Then also published for the public to see. I have also been a SAHM, with a 4 year old who attends kindy, on a 5...
Monday, 14 December 2020 - 15:35
I have a huge fear of my 3 yo choking. She’s had several episodes where she has started to choke on her food. I’ve tried my best to teach her to take smaller bites, not to put a whole piece into her mouth, to slow down, but she just keeps having these moments and I’m absolutely terrified that she...
Friday, 11 December 2020 - 23:19
Hi everyone So we’ve had our kids at a small local private school and we’ve gotten behind in fees this year, we’ve received a letter from them saying if we don’t pay off the debt in full by the end of this term they won’t be able to stay next year :/ we can pay off the debt but it’s all our savings...
Tuesday, 8 December 2020 - 22:02
I'm failing at being a Mum. Yeah, there's the imperfect Mum... And then there's me. This is going to be a long one so please bear with me. My 15yr old and 6yr old Sons live with me. My 11 and 12yr olds boys live with their Dad (their choice). My 12 yr old was diagnosed ADHD 12 months ago after I...