How can we start this?

How can we start this?

Kristy, a few mums from another page & myself have had a thought after the tragic little baby girl found on the Gold Coast Beach, who it turns out was homeless living on the streets with her parents and a sibling. We dont know all the infomation surrounding this story but we want to be able to help others, the way you have the whole saying 'it takes a village' thats what we want to create or find if someone has done it already. I had and still do have an amazing support system around me and I know I would not be where I am today without them. I want to be able to be that helping hand even if only for 20 mins while you have a breather or eat something. Those who dont have a car just to run down to the shops for fomula or nappies, or even bread & milk. Uber eats for necessities if you will.
You have done so much for mum and communities, you were the first person I thought of that might be able to point us in thw right direction.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Men's Business, Being a Dad, Post Natal Depression, Relationships, Loss & Grief, Loss of a Child (My Story), Helping others through Grief, Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2), Parenthood Guilt, Food, Health & Wellbeing, Things to do and see, Education, Behaviour, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler, Potty Training, Milestones, Baby Names, Baby Feeding, Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Dating & Sex, Drugs & Alcohol, Puberty, Aspergers & Autism, IM's In Business, Money

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it's a beautiful idea. I've had the same idea. I've thought you would be called some kind of mothers angels, and be a place to reach out to when you're on the edge. However, these sort of things are usually volunteer and take a lot of funding and time to get up and running and keep running.
Just a new thought on top of that- perhaps you could start the website and facilitate a connection site. Where people right across Australia with time to give can enrol and people looking can find them.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Start a facebook page/intagram page to get it up and rolling. Seek out volunteer work. Ask at your local community health centre. Put flyers up . Its lovely idea.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I really think this incident was such a failure of the system! They were well aware of their living situation and still allowed it, so horrible that a baby (and anyone) is homeless :( but a baby especially.

I regularly post on my FB noticeboard that if anyone needs a meal, a chat, a shower etc. to please contact me. I’ve taken single women with young children out for a meal, let them shower at my home, had conversations with them because no one else will. There’s so many people just around the corner and we don’t even know it :(

Anon Imperfect Mum

A couple of likeminded mums created a community mums facebook group for our suburb, its still in the early days but it seems good so far. Lots of mums have been able to connect with other mums, some have asked for advice, some just jump on to chat, some gave swapped babysitting etc. It warms my heart that theres so many kind, welcoming mums in my area which i would never have known about otherwise!
Something like this could be such a positive thing!

As said above though, the sickening incident you mentioned happened because of gross negligence on behalf of the parent's and on behalf of the government officials who were aware of these kids' living arrangements, knew that they were at significant risk yet did nothing.
It makes me so angry!
I want to know what we as a society can do to stop kids getting lost in the system and tragically paying the ultimate price ☹

Good on you for wanting to do something though, we need more people like you in the world!
