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Wednesday, 22 February 2017 - 17:19
Hello IM's iam currently breastfeeding my 3 week old and im just after some tips and really advice on whether i am doing it correctly. He has been able to latch ok since he was about an hour old he fed for a good 45 mins for his first feed. During the day he only has 10-15 mins feeds and generally...
Sunday, 12 February 2017 - 13:38
Hi Mummies! I'm currently pregnant with our 3rd baby, my question is about breastfeeding - is a breast pump required to help establish milk supply? My first bub I had supply issues, 2nd not so much but I didn't BF for very long. I'm planning on exclusively BF for as long as I can with this one. I...
Friday, 10 February 2017 - 09:24
Hi Mummas I stopped breastfeeding about 3 years ago. Recently I've had the feeling of 1 of my breasts filling up and the next day I've found dried milk on my nipple. I have the Mirena, so I'm not pregnant. But, wth? So weird. Someone told me it's probably because of all the pregnant women around me...
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 - 15:21
My 3 year old is Biting through the bottle teat. He his not ready ( I don't want to listen to the high screams) to be off The bottle, I have tried many times, is there a way to fix the teats, im sick of having to go out every other day to buy new bottles ( they don't just sell the teats anymore)
Tuesday, 10 January 2017 - 10:12
Hello IMs! I have a 1y2m old daughter. Due to several reasons I have decided I want to stop breastfeeding. Since I study and work full time I only breastfeed her at night (we sleep together so sometimes she wakes up at night to feed). During the day she goes to kindy and she eats a lot so that's...
Saturday, 31 December 2016 - 06:44
Hi ladies, I'm breastfeeding my almost 5 month old but my milk supply is almost non existent!! I've tried drinking loads of water, taking fenugreek tablets, lactation treats & expressing but it's not doing much!! I've had to start mix feeding as my Daughter is still hungry after and she is...
Thursday, 29 December 2016 - 18:48
I have an 8 day old and we are breastfeeding. Or attempting to anyway. My milk took ages to come in then I was chronically engorged and couldn't drain my breasts properly. This lead to an infection. I've been feeding heaps, pumping, running bm on nipples, lanolin, olive oil, ive made headway on his...
Friday, 23 December 2016 - 14:12
Breastfeeding help I have a 9 month old who has just in the last 2 weeks gotten her top teeth (already has bottom). She has bitten down quite badly drawing blood. Also, every time I feed her, every suck is excruciating pain-toe curling pain. I scream in pain. The top teeth are just digging in and...
Wednesday, 19 October 2016 - 03:08
So me and my partner have recently split, we have a baby whos is 14 weeks old, she is fully breastfeed. He is asking for 50/50 share care already, with bub been so young i don't feel like its whats in the best interest for her right now. He is been very pushy to make me bottle feed her so he can...