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Friday, 25 November 2022 - 12:30
Hello everyone, My little one year old (17monthd) has suddenly become so hard to feed even feeding herself. She is normally such a wonderful eater never missing a meal and eating a heap. She suddenly just doesn’t seem interested. It worries me. She is still having lots of milk and water just gone...
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 - 09:54
Do you do anything special on the last day of school for your kids? Or the day after? Just to celebrate the kids achievements etc? What do you do? I haven’t done it before but want to this year.
Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 15:43
Should I leave this group? Is it just me being over-sensitive or do I have a point? Its exhausting lately. So many people are beginning to tear down those who provide advice if it goes against their own. It's one thing to disagree with someone else's thoughts if you think your clarification is...
Thursday, 17 November 2022 - 14:39
I have an IVO against my ex, and he is currently on a good behaviour bond with several criminal charges pending. He has court ordered dinners with our 13 year old son once per week, and much to my dismay the court agreed to one night per fortnight for our son to stay over. Our 17 year old daughter...
Sunday, 13 November 2022 - 18:33
OMG, my husband and I are so over our middle daughter (13). The other two are 15 and almost 11. Her bedroom and "shared" (with her younger sister) bathroom are putrid. The younger sister can't even use the bathroom at all. There are used pads left everywhere. After having a shower will just sit on...
Wednesday, 9 November 2022 - 06:34
It is so hard to have narcissistic traits and be a mother. I am constantly reminding myself that it’s not all about myself. I worked a super long, draining week at work, came home, and on my first day off my daughter had a high fever. I looked forward to relaxing and de-stressing but My days off...
Saturday, 5 November 2022 - 08:45
My daughter has her birthday party coming up in December and we always invite all the girls in her class. There has been one girl that has been a bully towards my child this year and my daughter doesn’t want to invite her Do I not invite this child and exclude her from all her class mates which is...
Saturday, 5 November 2022 - 06:49
Here is the post Hoping to get other parents experiences. I have a daughter who is in grade 4. So 10 at the beginning of next year. She has ASD level 2 and at times level 3 (psychologist said as she is verbal she won’t meet criteria for 3 but does go mute at times), ADHD, pathological demand...
Thursday, 3 November 2022 - 10:24
Why do men get to decide when they’re a parent or not? Women are expected to bend over backwards to make shit work but men think it’s okay to excuse themselves from doing something if it’s “too difficult”. Example. Both my husband and I just got a new job, he doesn’t know his schedule yet, but it’s...
Thursday, 27 October 2022 - 06:01
my 4 year old used to be the sweetest little guy, everyone would comment how empathetic and kind he was. he was cheeky, funny, loving etc etc. but lately it's like a switch has flipped and he just winges and whines over EVERYTHING. I'm lucky that there's no tantrums or anything like that, just...